With Hilarious Monologue, Fox News Host Greg Gutfeld Launches Serious Slam Of The CDC


With Hilarious Monologue, Fox News Host Greg Gutfeld Launches Serious Slam Of The CDC

Public trust in public health officials likely resides at an all-time low. The primary reason for this crisis of confidence is the actions of the Centers for Disease Control during the pandemic.
Fox News host Greg Gutfeld (Fox News)

Public trust in public health officials likely resides at an all-time low. The primary reason for this crisis of confidence is the actions of the Centers for Disease Control during the pandemic.

In his monologue on Thursday night, and in his own hilarious style, Fox News host Greg Gutfeld gutted the CDC and called for the nation’s leading public health institution to get a complete overhaul.

“The CDC needs a makeover worse than [“The View” co-host] Joy Behar,” Gutfeld began, before criticizing the CDC for sinking into the mire of politics to protect liberal policies instead of public health.

“During the pandemic,” he continued, “they were more of a crap show than a leaky Fleet enema.”

“So, they need to change,” Gutfeld argued. “And, we’re not talking a half-ass transition. I’m talking a 100% Bruce-to-Caitlyn [Jenner] makeover.”

The host then cited a report by the Center for Strategic & International Studies, a left-leaning think tank in Washington, that said the CDC requires a “significant reset,” which “is a matter of national security.”

Gutfeld noted the report said the current CDC could not be trusted to handle another pandemic.

“Hell, it couldn’t be trusted to handle an outbreak of dandruff or athlete’s foot,” he said. “I wouldn’t trust them to cure Disco Fever.”

On the serious side, Gutfeld said the CDC has devolved to calling “anything that they don’t like” a health risk, including topics such as racism or climate change. 

“I’m surprised they aren’t demanding warning labels on Republicans,” he added.

Gutfeld went on, saying the CDC routinely missed “the things that are killing us by the millions.” Such as rampant obesity.

But its performance during the pandemic “really put it on the map,” he said. “The same way [President John F. Kennedy’s] assassination put Dealey Plaza [in Dallas] on the map.”

Gutfeld then mocked the CSIS’ main recommendation, which is to uproot the CDC from its Atlanta headquarters and relocate it to Washington.

“This only makes sense if you think carjackings are a great way to meet strangers,” said Gutfeld. “While I agree the CDC is as bad as the diseases it’s meant to control, I’m not sure heading to the land of grift and senility is the right answer.”

Gutfeld said the CDC’s main mission during the pandemic public health took a backseat to promoting and increasing “the experts’ media footprint.”

“Being on TV was more important than fighting TB,” he said. And leading that was Dr. Anthony Fauci. “The only health he improved was the health of his ego,” said Gutfeld.

Gutfeld allowed that the CDC made legitimate mistakes like all of us. But the issue for the agency is that “politics infected it.”

“Suddenly, they were making sweeping pronouncements about every liberal cause,” Gutfeld observed. “Everything became a health crisis: racism, the environment, gun control — and yet fentanyl slides right by them, just like COVID, just like obesity, just like sugar.”

“I think it’s time for the CDC to do some serious soul-searching, if they have one, and come up with a vaccine that fights politics,” Gutfeld concluded.

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