WIN TV ( ) Goes Viral On Announcement of Global "KICK SUGAR" Advertising Campaign. 1,000,000 views in 2 days! Join the Campaign and WIN TV
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WIN TV has announced a Global advertising campaign to "KICK SUGAR" the heck out of our lives and diet.
Known as the "WHITE POISON" sugar is killing more people each year that the COVID virus, and has been for years.
It's also having a tremendous effect on the general health and wellbeing of our children. Obesity and diabetes are rampant in children around the world.
The World Health Organization (WHO) recognizes SUGAR as a major contributor to obesity and diabetes and recommends that SUGAR be removed or limited in our diets.
WIN TV NETWORK is a new Global "Game Show" network with over 1,000,000 games (trivia) that people can play and for the first time in the history of television, "Game Shows" which have traditionally been limited to 1-4 contestants, now allows anyone, anywhere in the world to compete as a television "Game Show" contestant. All from the comfort of their living room couch.
WIN TV is now one of the fastest growing television networks in the world.
It's fun, has underlying educational values for both children and adults and in the last week grew over 1,133 %. Incredible.
On the NEWS< GIGGLES GOSSIP page of the website you will find extraordinary videos that will make you laugh and cry.
This page is updated every day and is one of the most popular pages on the website with people having a good laugh every morning with their first cup of coffee or tea.
There is a special video on the WIN TV website today celebrating and remembering members of the armed forces during this "Remembrance Day" long weekend holiday.
We encourage everyone to look at this video. (bring a Kleenex tissue with you)
The reason that WIN TV decided to embark on the "KICK SUGAR" advertising campaign is that a young 19 year old mother and her baby, facing very difficult circumstances due to COVID, found herself homeless and living in her car.
However, this young woman found the resources and faced the challenges and developed a number of AMAZING sugar free "Healthy" treats that we have tasted and absolutely love.
She is a WINNER and the products are a WINNER. We love this stuff so we are backing this product with the full might and global reach of WIN TV NETWORK.
We hope that you willall join us in this fight to get sugar out of our lives and our diet and rally around this new "healthy" alternative sweetener that is FDA approved, Canada Health Approved and also European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) approved.
When we announced this "KICK SUGAR" campaign and our support of this young girl on Facebook and showed pictures of the sugar free Strawberry and Blueberry Ice Cream, it went viral and in one and a half days is now approaching 1,000,000 + views.
WE invite everyone to check out this product and support our campaign to get SUGAR out of our lives and our diet.
SUGAR causes nothing but health problems, rotten teeth, obesity, diabetes. 1/3 of the entire population of the United States is now suffering from diabetes and or diagnosed as pre-diabetic. The fastest growing segment of those affected by diabetes is our children.
Diabetes is a horrible disease leading to kidney failure, amputations, severe pain and much more. Obesity is just as bad and has severe health complications.
Let's all join together to make an effort to get sugar out of our lives for good!
Once again, it is worth mentioning that the alternative sweetener that these products are made from (candies, ice cream, popcorn, BBQ sauces, Jams, Drinks, and many more ) is FDA approved, Canada Health Approved and European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) approved.
It tastes great and will be available on the WIN TV shopping cart in the next few days. Try it. You will love it! Make sure you try it. You can order a small supply to start, just to see how you like it. Use it for your tea or coffee. Or you can buy a big tub and make hundreds of parts of fantastic jams (zero sugar) and much more for a truly health diet for you and your family.
Check out
Take care and stay safe.
Baron Storm
+1 352-999-4288
email us here