WIFF-TV Founder Says Women Filmmakers Still Grossly Under Represented

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WIFF-TV Founder Says Women Filmmakers Still Grossly Under Represented

WIFF-TV Streaming Platform: For Women By Women Launches March 8

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WIFF-TV Women’s Visions. Women’s Voices

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Women’s Visions. Womens Voices.

New Streaming Platform For Women, By Women Launches On International Women’s Day

The numbers are appalling! In this era where disparities of race & gender are at the forefront of discussions in America, the film industry must do better. WIFF-TV empowers women's visions and voices.”

— Yvonne McCormack Lyons

MIAMI, FL, USA, March 1, 2022 /EINPresswire.com/ — 
 A new streaming platform featuring films, television programs, live webinars, and podcasts made by women and for women launches on International Women’s Day, March 8, 2022.  

According to recent studies conducted by the USC Annenberg Foundation, only 12 percent of the top-grossing films in 2021 were directed by women. This number dropped from 2020 where it had reached an all-time high of 17 percent. 
“These numbers are appalling,” said Yvonne McCormack Lyons, founder of WIFF-TV. “The fact that this number has decreased from an already extremely low number tells me that we must fight for parity even harder.”

Furthermore, the number of Women of Color working in front of and behind the camera is even lower – almost nonexistent.  The study looked at 1300 films from 2007 to 2019 distributed by the six major film distributors (Sony, Warner Bros, Paramount, Universal, Disney, Fox) and revealed that only 13 were directed by Women of Color – that's a 92 (white male) to 1 (woman of color) ratio across 13 years!

“In this era where disparities of race and gender are at the forefront of discussions in America, the entertainment industry must do better,” added McCormack Lyons.  “This is why having a platform such as WIFF-TV where women’s work can be created and presented is so important.” WIFF-TV was created to increase the visibility of films made by women, and to create a hub where women could screen their work, and discuss issues related to them globally.

“We ran the five-day Women’s International Film & Arts Festival (WIFF) for almost twenty years. We had to postpone our annual events because of the pandemic.  The launch of WIFF-TV allows us to provide a safe place where we can continue the dialogue, discuss women’s issues, and empower our visions and voices all year long,” said McCormack Lyons.

As an avid traveler, McCormack Lyons, who was born in England, raised in Toronto, Canada and whose parents are from the Caribbean, felt the importance of bringing women together from around the world to focus on those things in common rather than those that divide. As such, the films, tv series, and podcasts stem from Europe to Africa to Asia as well as North and South America. 

“We surveyed more than 300 women, and the overwhelming result was that they wanted this platform to be international in nature and address issues that impact us through live discussions and webinars as well as on-demand content. We’re delighted to be able to provide it to them."

Monthly subscriptions to WIFF-TV are $9.99 monthly or $79.99 annually (a 20 percent discount).  All subscriptions include a one-week trial period. In celebration of Women’s History Month, viewers receive a 20 percent discount during the month of March 2022 ($7.99 monthly for three months) using code WHM2022.

WIFF-TV is a new, on-demand streaming platform showcasing films, television, podcasts, and scheduled live events made by or about women.  Content has been curated from some of the top female producers and filmmakers from around the world who have submitted their work to the Women’s International Film & Arts Festival (WIFF) in Miami and New York. In addition, other outstanding content creators are featured. 

For more information, media professionals can log onto https://wifftv.com/pages/press or email press@wifftv.com. Content creators interested in submitting work to WIFF-TV, can contact films@wifftv.com


p class=”contact” dir=”auto” style=”margin: 1em 0″>Monika Bridgers
+1 954-618-3838
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