West Virginia Sen. Shelley Moore Capito (File)

West Virginia Sen. Shelley Moore Capito Says Biden Can Learn Border Security Lesson From Finland

West Virginia Sen. Shelley Moore Capito (File)
West Virginia Sen. Shelley Moore Capito (File)

The ongoing border crisis in the United States has become a contentious political issue, with both Democrats and Republicans offering vastly different solutions.

U.S. Senator Shelley Moore Capito (R-W.Va.), Vice Chairman of the Senate Republican Conference and a member of the Senate Homeland Security Appropriations Subcommittee, has emerged as a vocal critic of President Biden’s approach to the problem.

During a press conference Tuesday, Senator Capito lambasted the president’s recently announced executive order, describing it as a case of “too little, too late.”

Drawing on her firsthand experience from a recent Congressional Delegation (CODEL) trip overseas, the senator highlighted effective border security measures employed by countries like Finland, arguing that the U.S. could learn valuable lessons from their strategies.

The scale of the border crisis facing the United States is staggering. In some months, more than a quarter of a million migrants have attempted to enter the country illegally. This influx of unauthorized crossings has put a significant strain on the nation’s resources and security infrastructure.

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To address this challenge, the Biden administration has proposed capping the daily number of asylum seekers at 2,500 – a move that Senator Capito and other Republican leaders have criticized as inadequate. The senator argues that the president should have taken decisive action several years ago to stem the tide of illegal immigration.

During her CODEL trip, Senator Capito and her fellow lawmakers had the opportunity to witness Finland’s approach to border security firsthand. The Scandinavian country shares an 800-mile border with Russia, a fact that has prompted it to take decisive action to protect its sovereignty.

According to the senator, Finland has constructed a formidable metal wall, standing approximately 15 feet high and topped with razor wire. This barrier is complemented by a network of security cameras and other sophisticated surveillance technologies, effectively shutting down unauthorized entry points along the border.

Senator Capito believes that the United States could learn valuable lessons from Finland’s approach to border security. She argues that the president should consider visiting the country to see the effectiveness of its measures and explore how they could be adapted to address the challenges faced by the U.S.

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The senator emphasizes that the key to successful border control lies in the “will and belief in the danger that unchecked immigration into your country can really – what the challenge of that is and the security of that.” By taking a firm stance and implementing robust security measures, Finland has been able to effectively curb the flow of unwanted individuals across its borders.

One of the primary concerns raised by Senator Capito and other Republican leaders is the threat posed by the smuggling of Chinese-made fentanyl through the Mexican border. This synthetic opioid has been blamed for more than 70,000 deaths per year, particularly in the Appalachian states that make up a significant portion of West Virginia.

The senator’s emphasis on the fentanyl crisis underscores the urgent need for comprehensive border security measures that can effectively disrupt the supply chains of these deadly drugs. She argues that the Biden administration’s “too little, too late” approach to the border crisis has allowed this public health emergency to escalate unchecked.

While the Biden administration has taken action through an executive order, Republican leaders have vowed to challenge the measure in court, arguing that it violates the separation of powers. They contend that Congress should be involved in such critical decisions regarding immigration and border security.

Senator Capito’s criticism of the president’s unilateral approach reflects a broader concern among conservatives about the executive branch’s encroachment on the legislative branch’s authority. The senator’s stance suggests that any lasting solution to the border crisis will require bipartisan cooperation and a shared commitment to upholding the Constitution’s principles of checks and balances.

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In his remarks, President Biden emphasized the importance of securing the border while also maintaining the United States’ tradition of welcoming immigrants. Senator Capito’s response suggests that she shares this sentiment, but believes that the current administration’s actions fall short of addressing the multifaceted challenges at the border.

The senator’s call for a more comprehensive and proactive approach to border security reflects a view that effective immigration management is not only a matter of national security but also a crucial component of the country’s identity as a nation of immigrants. By striking the right balance between border control and compassionate immigration policies, the U.S. can uphold its values while also safeguarding its citizens.

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