Wearable Glasses For Those Experiencing Low Vision To Enhance Independence, Safety, and Social Activities

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Wearable Glasses For Those Experiencing Low Vision To Enhance Independence, Safety, and Social Activities

For those suffering from Macular Degeneration seeing faces with Vision Buddy is a game changer

Young woman wearing eSight while viewing sheet music and playing the violin.

Viewing sheet music hands-free with eSight makes playing violin a possibility for this student

Woman wearing Envision Glasses with her finger in position to tap on the touch bar at the right temple of the glasses to launch an action

Tap on the touchpad to have Envision Glasses describe your surroundings, help you find an object, identify currency, or place a call to an friend or family member for sighted assistance in a live video call

Enhance Your Low Vision Experience With Smart Glasses For Watching Television, Playing Games, Doing Crafts, Seeing Faces, Using a Computer, and Reading!

We feel that individuals should be able to shop for low-vision enhancement products like they do for other electronics.”

— Lesa Berg Kretschmer

FORT LAUDERDALE, FL, USA, May 6, 2022 /EINPresswire.com/ — According to the National Eye Institute, 2.9 million Americans have low vision (visual acuity <20/40), with 5 million Americans by 2030. In addition, 2.1 million Americans have advanced Age-Related Macular Degeneration (AMD), with an estimated 3.7 million by 2030. Age-Related Vision loss affects activities of daily living such as reading, watching television, meal preparation, taking proper doses of medication, and social activities.

Florida Vision Technology believes people with vision loss can lead independent lives through assistive technology, specifically wearable devices that provide magnification, lighting, contrast, and audio feedback.

Vision Buddy is an ultra-simple system explicitly designed for watching television. In addition, the 100-degree field of view works well for those suffering from macular degeneration. With the TV mode, the Vision Buddy Hub can be connected to any existing TV setup and stream HD quality video directly inside the headset with the ability to be up to 40 feet away. The second mode of the headset includes a digital magnifier that assists with setting the thermostat, operating a microwave, reading medicine labels, etc. The third and final mode is an Advanced Optical Character Recognition (OCR) system which allows you to read aloud newspapers, books, menus, and medicine labels. In addition, the Vision Buddy kit includes a computer link and a mini CCTV for an all-in-one low vision solution. In addition to watching television, users can once again play cards and board games, do crafts & hobbies and get back to the workbench using hand tools.

Iris Vision Inspire looks like a nice pair of sunglasses. They operate with a controller for ease of use and simple commands. Iris Vision Inspire is lightweight and aesthetically pleasing for those who wish to use them at the theatre, movies, theme parks, and sporting events. These devices open your world visually and socially. See the smiling faces of your loved ones, read a recipe, stay on top of the news, take in a sunset, scan a grocery shelf, connect to your social media pages, share photos, or simply watch a movie on the couch with your family.

eSight captures high-quality video and displays it on two crystal clear screens, directly in front of each eye. The footage is enhanced by custom optics and proprietary algorithms. eSight moves seamlessly with you through daily life, offering the best visual acuity. With eSight, you can see the face of loved ones, read books and watch TV, garden, shop, cook, safely explore new places, and stay active indoors and out.

The vision aid you might choose depends on your specific vision loss, the degree of vision loss, light & glare sensitivity, and your ability to operate the device.

"We feel that individuals should be able to shop for low vision enhancement products like they do for any other electronics," said Lesa Berg Kretschmer, Founder & CEO of Florida Vision Technology. "Therefore, we feature a wide array of devices so that individuals can try the different products side by side and then make an informed choice", Kretschmer said.

Wearable access to print in audio format comes in two varieties including the Envision Glasses and ORCAM MyEye Pro

The Envision Glasses are a discrete device that can capture the printed word and read it back out loud with the tap of a finger. The Envision Glasses can read handwritten and printed text, currency, and product packages. If you would like sighted assistance, the "Call an Ally" feature allows you to reach out to a friend or family member, giving them a full field of view of what's around you so they can provide you with assistance, guide you, or help you find that lost object you are looking for. Other features of the Envision Glasses include recognition of objects, currency, and faces. You can also take a snapshot, and Envision Glasses will describe the scene in detail, noting possible navigational hazards or assisting in getting familiar with your surroundings.

If you want to read printed text quickly, the ORCAM MyEye Pro is fast and accurate. OrCam MyEye Pro conveys visual information audibly, in real-time, and offline. Just point, tap, and listen to printed text read aloud within seconds. In addition, ORCAM MyEye Pro can instantly read text from a book, smartphone screen, or any other surface, recognize faces, help you shop on your own, work more efficiently, and live a more independent life!

Florida Vision Technology is a woman-owned business based in Fort Lauderdale, FL. Founder & CEO Lesa Berg Kretschmer has provided comprehensive low vision evaluations, technology assessments, and visual enhancement solutions since 1993. Florida Vision Technology offers one-on-one consultations in a virtual setting, in their retail low vision shops, or in the privacy of your home (Florida only). Call to set up your one-on-one consultation today at 800-981-5119 or email: info@floridareading.com

Lesa Kretschmer
Florida Vision Technology
+1 954-648-7757
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