“We Will Find You” Parents Erupt At School Board Meeting Over Mask Mandate

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“We Will Find You” Parents Erupt At School Board Meeting Over Mask Mandate

A school board meeting in Tennessee erupted into anger and threats after school board members reinstated a mask mandate for students.

Tuesday night in Franklin, just south of Nashville, where the Williamson County Board of Education approved the mask requirement for elementary schools as protesters gathered outside, according to News Channel 5.

According to CNN, a parent who identified himself as former Marine Daniel Jordan told the board, “Actions have consequences. If you vote for this, we will come for you, in a non-violent way.”

Caught on camera, Dr. Jennifer King, a parent, and physician, told the board, “As a pediatric ICU physician, we are seeing more younger previously healthy children admitted with respiratory failure and acute respiratory distress syndrome than we have in prior strains, as cases in children are on the rise.

“This trend will only worsen if we don’t act now,” she said during the raucous meeting, where attendees cheered, clapped, and booed. Police escorted some disruptive people out of the room as seen in the video caught below.

Once the meeting adjourned, the chaos moved to the parking lot outside of the building.

“We’ll not comply!” and yelled obscenities as the health care workers streamed out of the building after the emotionally charged session, The Hill reported.

“Take that mask off!” one woman was heard yelling.

An unmasked man was seen yelling at a health care worker walking to his car, “You’re not on our side! We know who you are!”

Another man pointed his finger at the car, shouted, “We know who you are! You can leave freely, but we will find you!”, as seen in the video below.


A Williamson County Sheriff’s Office Deouty pleaded for the crowd to be peaceful, “We are here for everybody’s safety, we are here for y’all just as much as we are here for everybody else, OK?”

“We are here, we are away from our families, some of us are on a 17-, almost an 18-hour day, and that’s me. So I’m here for y’all. I’m here for y’all. We want everything to be peaceful. I am begging y’all to be peaceful,” said the deputy.

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