VP Kamala Harris

VP Kamala Harris’s Campaign Tries To Rewrite Her Record

VP Kamala Harris
VP Kamala Harris

Vice President Kamala Harris’s campaign is under fire for what critics are calling an attempt to obscure her past positions on key issues. They label her recent statements as misleading and dishonest rather than simple policy shifts.

Critics argue that Harris’s campaign attempts to distance her from a “radical” record that includes controversial stances on electric vehicles, border security, and healthcare.

Read: Op-Ed: Kamala Harris Who Once Called Border Wall ‘Un-American’ Now Agrees With Trump?

Electric Vehicle Mandates

  • Claim: Harris does not support an electric vehicle mandate.
  • Reality: The Harris-Biden administration has implemented some of the strictest-ever tailpipe emissions rules, effectively creating a “de facto electric vehicle mandate,” even extending to the U.S. military.

Border Wall

  • Claim: Harris supports building the border wall.
  • Reality: Harris has long opposed the border wall, declaring she would not “vote for a wall under any circumstances” during her time as a senator, and halted its construction as vice president.

Taxes on Tips

  • Claim: Harris supports no taxes on tips.
  • Reality: Harris has been criticized for backing efforts to collect more taxes from tip-based incomes, including the use of an expanded IRS force to target tips.

Read: Heritage Foundation Launches Million-Dollar Initiative To Expose Biden-Harris Admin’s Policies


  • Claim: Harris would not ban fracking.
  • Reality: Harris has consistently opposed fracking, stating unequivocally, “there is no question I am in favor of banning fracking.”

Healthcare Plans

  • Claim: Harris no longer supports eliminating private healthcare plans.
  • Reality: Harris has been a vocal advocate for a single-payer healthcare system that would eliminate private insurance, co-sponsoring related legislation.

Defunding the Police

  • Claim: Harris does not support defunding the police.
  • Reality: Harris has expressed support for reducing police budgets in certain contexts and praised municipalities that have done so.

Green New Deal

  • Claim: Harris no longer supports the core elements of the Green New Deal.
  • Reality: Harris has previously championed the Green New Deal, describing her version as the most extreme and pledging to eliminate the filibuster to pass it.

Read: CNBC Anchors Tag Team Harris Advisor After He Claims Attacks On Tax Plan Are ‘Funny’

Gun Confiscation

  • Claim: Harris does not support mandatory gun confiscation.
  • Reality: Harris has voiced support for gun confiscation as a “good idea,” and has pledged to use executive action to implement such measures.

Critics argue that these claims, combined with Harris’s denial of responsibility for issues like the economy and the border crisis, further demonstrate a disconnect between her public statements and her actual record.

They insist that Harris has yet to directly disavow any of these controversial positions, instead relying on anonymous staff comments that contradict her past stances. As her campaign continues, these discrepancies are likely to remain a focal point for her opponents.

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