‘Vote With Their Feet’ California Loses Residents, Congressional Seat, Suffers From The Same Ill Afflicting Other Blue States


‘Vote With Their Feet’ California Loses Residents, Congressional Seat, Suffers From The Same Ill Afflicting Other Blue States

An old saying politics is that people vote with their feet.

The recent census data provide the evidence.

On one coast, New York is considering challenging the census after it lost a congressional seat. The seat will go to another state, most likely in the South or West, because 89 people left the state.

Had they stayed, or as some critics in New York argue, had the state counted better, the Empire State would have kept that seat.

But the truth is that New York’s growth flat-lined long ago.

The state topped 19 million people in 2000 and has added only about 337,000 more people in the last two decades. New York state peaked at nearly 19.7 million in 2015, and its population has shrunk each year since then.

Meanwhile, over the last 20 years, Texas has added almost 9 million residents, while Florida has grown by 6 million people.

Meanwhile, Newsmax reported on Friday that on America’s left coast, literally in terms of geography and politics, “California’s population fell by more than 182,000 people in 2020, marking the first year-over-year loss ever recorded for the nation’s most populous state.”

“The news comes one week after the U.S. Census Bureau announced a paltry population growth for California, resulting in the state losing a congressional seat for the first time because it grew more slowly than other states over the past decade.”

State officials steered away from blaming the governance of Democrats, who have controlled the state for a quarter-century.

Instead, according to Newsmax, “State officials say California has seen more people leave than move in from other states for much of the last three decades. However, that had been offset by international immigration and births so that California continued to grow.”

“That changed in 2020. State officials say a declining birth rate, plus reductions in international immigration and an increase in deaths because of the coronavirus, led to the state’s first-ever year-over-year population loss.”

Yet News max cited an analysis by the Public Policy Institute of California, which revealed that “from 2010 to 2020, about 6.1 million people left California for other states compared to about 4.9 million people who moved to California from other states.”

When the 2020 census numbers came out last month, The New York Times reported that they showed “America continuing its long population shift from the Northeast and Midwest to the South and West, a trend that will shape Congress for the next decade.”

“The country’s old center of political power — the industrial belt stretching from New York to Illinois — is once again losing seats in Congress while Sun Belt states such as Florida, North Carolina, and Texas will gain them. California will lose a seat for the first time.”

The big, blue-state losers in the census – Illinois, New York, California, Michigan, and Pennsylvania – all have something in common. Perhaps they could ask red states to tell them what it is.

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