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US Embassy Blames Iranian-Backed Militias For Attack On Baghdad Diplomatic Compound

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Iranian Flags (Unsplash)

The US Embassy in Baghdad has concluded that Iranian-backed Iraqi militias were likely behind the attack on a US diplomatic facility near Baghdad International Airport on September 10th.

This assessment aligns with an earlier evaluation by the Critical Threats Project at the Institute for the Study of War (CTP-ISW).

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The attack involved two Katyusha-type rockets, one of which hit an Iraqi Counter Terrorism Service building, while the other landed within the Baghdad Diplomatic Services Compound, a base used by the international coalition.

Notably, CTP-ISW has suggested that this attack may have been carried out against the wishes of prominent Iranian-backed Iraqi militias, Kataib Hezbollah and the Islamic Resistance in Iraq.

Following the incident, the US Embassy has urged the Iraqi government to take steps to protect US and coalition personnel and facilities.

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The US government has consistently stressed the importance of such security measures to the Iraqi government, particularly in light of previous attacks by Iranian-backed militias on US bases in the region.

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