United States Space Force to Utilize Atmospheric Water Technology Announces RussKap Holdings

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United States Space Force to Utilize Atmospheric Water Technology Announces RussKap Holdings

U.S. Marines operate the Maxim unit. Photo by Cpl. Rachel Young-Porter

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The Maxim unit can generate up to 200 gallons of purified water a day with zero microbial contaminants and byproducts

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The Tiffany unit, a popular choice of the military, can generate up to 12 gallons of purified water a day.

The U.S. Space Force becomes the latest in the branches of the military to invest in sustainable water-supply technology provided by RussKap Holdings.

MIAMI, FLORIDA, UNITED STATES, August 2, 2021 /EINPresswire.com/ — RussKap Holdings, LLC has recently announced that the newest branch of the U.S. Military, Space Force, has placed orders for RussKap's Atmospheric Water Generation (AWG) units. With their increase of investment into sustainable initiatives, it seems that the U.S. Military is keen on utilizing the efficiency provided by AWG technology. In addition to serving as a sustainable and healthy source of pure drinking water, the convenience of water-from-air technology has greatly simplified logistics for water-supply.

Ed Russo, RussKap Holdings LLC CEO, remarked that "this growth continues RussKap's commitment to unlocking the benefits of atmospheric water generation and leading the charge in enabling a sustainable and truly purified source of drinking water."

Yehuda Kaploun, president of RussKap Holdings LLC, further added, “We have seen over the last year that the military intends to use the ozone-water purification systems, developed and patented by Altitude Water (formerly Trident Water Company) as a safe and secure process for atmospheric drinking water. The legacy systems of UV lamps and the use of chlorine to disinfect water are rendered obsolete when compared with the EPA recommended ozone-treatment of water. When we can generate and purify water on-demand without the need for a groundwater source, traditional forms of water supply have become archaic."

He also commented, “This contract with the U.S. Space Force is just the beginning of our successful venture with the latest branch of the military, and we will continue to demonstrate the advantages of atmospheric water generation.”

After Space Force reviewed many different AWG systems, RussKap's units were selected due to the high quality of the alkaline water produced, and the reliability of the technology. Additionally, the units are made in the USA and have proven worth as per testimonials from other military branches.

Now that Space Force is beginning to make use of this innovative technology, all branches of the military are set to be using atmospheric water technology.

In partnership with Altitude Water, Russkap Holding's water division has become universally recognized as leaders within the AWG community. With hundreds of units in place worldwide, their AWG technology is revolutionizing access to clean and pure drinking water, and effectively improving water-supply sustainability.

Jacob Schwab
RussKap Holdings
+1 704-610-7171
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