Ukrainian Leader: Biden Has Handed Putin ‘Bullets’ For A ‘Real Weapon’ To Use Against His Country And Ours


Ukrainian Leader: Biden Has Handed Putin ‘Bullets’ For A ‘Real Weapon’ To Use Against His Country And Ours

Next month marks two years since former President Donald Trump held that infamous phone call with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky.

You remember: congressional Democrats impeached Trump for that conversation in which he allegedly demanded that the foreign leader investigate Hunter Biden’s shady, multimillion-dollar deals while he was holding up vital defense aid for Russia’s vulnerable neighbor.

Democrats were beside themselves, arguing that Trump had wrongfully imperiled the security of an ally in exchange for dirt on a political rival that he had no idea he would face in the 2020 election.

Yet where are the complaints of those Democrats now that current President Joe Biden is helping undermine Ukraine’s security?

The silence is as expected as it is deafening.

In an interview posted on Sunday, a disappointed and dejected Zelensky expressed surprise to Axios that Biden would provide the Kremlin the “bullets” to arm a “real weapon” to hurt Ukraine.

That weapon is the Nord Stream 2 pipeline.

Currently, Russia pipes natural gas through Ukraine to its customers in western Europe. According to, Russia pays Ukraine $3 billion a year for transit rights.

The route of the Nord Stream 2 bypasses Ukraine completely and terminates in Germany – thus dispatching with Russia’s need to pay Ukraine.

In a recent meeting with a contingent of U.S. senators, Zelensky warned that without that revenue, “We will have nothing to pay for the Ukrainian army.” 

During his interview with Axios, Zelensky noted that he was “unpleasantly surprised” by Biden’s decision to no longer thwart completion of the pipeline – something Trump had opposed and had tried to stop with economic sanctions.

Zelensky said he had had an earlier conversation with Biden and was “happy” the American leader seemed to want to continue to block the project.

“We understand that this is a weapon, a real weapon, and I speak openly about it. A weapon in the hands of the Russian Federation,” Zelensky told Axios. “And it is not very understandable, I feel, and definitely not expected, that the bullets to this weapon can possibly be provided by such a great country as the United States.”

The U.S. decision, he added, “is definitely not aimed at supporting Ukraine.”

“That is why I said that I was indeed surprised. I truly thought that when it came to Nord Stream 2, the United States remained the last standing outpost, so to say.”

Zelensky maintained that he felt shafted by the move because he felt an ideological kinship with America and that Ukraine is defending Western values.

Zelensky noted that he was also surprised because Biden sandbagged him. The Ukrainian said he learned about the policy shift by watching a White House press briefing on TV.

Biden’s administration said they dropped opposition to the project because the pipeline was “95 percent” complete and they did not want to alienate Germany.

“I wouldn’t want to intervene between these two esteemed countries,” Zelensky told Axios. “However, how many Ukrainian lives does the relationship between the United States and Germany cost? That is my first question.”

“We are in danger right now, our independence is at stake right now, and it is now that we need help,” he added.

Zelensky compared the U.S. to the NBA great Michael Jordan, who, Zelensky said, had a way of lulling opponents into a false sense of victory and then snatched it away from them with a buzzer-beater.

“I still believe after all, that Biden is a Jordan in politics. I think that his final three-pointer is not in the net yet, and I would like to believe that this is all part of his tactics,” said Zelensky.

“If this is not the case, that will be a great pity, not only for me, but for the United States as well, I am sure. There will be a feeling that in these circumstances Russia will have a great chance to prevail over the United States.”

The last time Democrats thought a U.S. president was helping Vladimir Putin and Russia over American interests, they hounded him for years and spread the most malicious lies about his loyalty.

Surely we can expect them to again crank up the impeachment machine to stand beside and behind Ukraine and for putting America at risk.

Or was all that posturing in 2019 just politics?

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