Liberals are no strangers to hyperbole.
Consider their overheated claims about the Jan. 6 riot at the U.S. Capitol, their dire warnings of the “existential” threat of climate change, or the doomsaying about the supposed denial of minority voting rights, occurring when black voters are casting ballots in record numbers.
The overwrought assertions about gun violence are in this vein.
But as pro-Second Amendment columnist Awr Hawkins of Breitbart News pointed out recently, ABC News will enhance the hyperbolic effect of its rhetoric on guns by inflating the data.
Hawkins noted that ABC has launched a “Gun Violence Tracker,” whose purpose is to “illustrate the daily toll of gun violence in America,” the network’s website says.
The outlet will do this through a partnership with the liberal Gun Violence Archive in order to offer “a novel presentation designed to give our audience the most up-to-date figures on gun deaths and gun injuries in the U.S.”
Now, one might think such a database might look at how guns threaten the American people by being in the hands of criminals who will ignore all gun-control laws and use them on innocent people.
That, however, is not what ABC News has in mind in tallying up both deaths and injuries.
Besides murders, ABC will count suicides – which account for 60 percent of all gun deaths – as well as accidental shootings, people shot by police, violent mishaps involving children as shooters and even defensive use of firearms.
ABC argues it does this to capture the whole effect of guns.
But it also will wildly increase the risk guns present to the general public.
Which seems to be the goal of the corporate media outlet.
Because if the public got a true picture, it might have a different perception.
For example, according to FBI data, most people who are murdered in the U.S. are killed by guns.
But knives and beatings – either with blunt objects or fists – each kill about twice as many people as rifles and shotguns combined.
ABC, however, argues differently.
It believes that offering “a full picture of the problem, which it turns out looks quite different from the impression the casual observer may be getting,” is necessary to developing a “comprehensive strategy to address gun violence” – aka gun control.
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