by: Patricia Rummel
YORBA LINDA, CALIFORNIA- On Sept. 26, a Black Lives Matter (BLM) activist named Tatiana Turner plowed her car into a crowd of Trump supporters in the parking lot of the Yorba Linda Library at a protest in Yorba Linda, CA. In the aftermath, it has become apparent that Trump supporters were run over by a BLM activist… and the liberal media.
According to a Sept. 29 press release, issued by Orange County District Attorney Todd Spitzer, “Tatiana Rita Turner, 40, of Long Beach, has been charged with one felony count of attempted murder with premeditation and deliberation, six felony counts of assault with a deadly weapon, including one causing great bodily injury, one felony count of mayhem, and two felony counts of the use of pepper spray by a felon.
Turner faces a maximum sentence of seven years to life plus 13 years and four months in state prison if convicted on all charges.”
A video, shared by eyewitness, Father Thomas, shows the horrific scene as it happened. A note of caution, this video is graphic.
Amazing how the Prius Story is mainstream HOEVER this didn’t make it. I was there. Here is my video of some ACTUALLY plowing through a crowd. #BLMprotest #YorbaLinda #caravan4justice @adamcarolla @AdamCarollaShow @chrislaxamana @BaldBryan @GinaGrad @DawsAngeles
— Father Thomas (@FatherThomas_) September 28, 2020
“Turner,” the press release states further, “has previous felony convictions for drug sales and domestic violence.”
Turner is also the leader and organizer the Black Lives Matter group known as Caravan for Justice.
In an exclusive interview with The Free Press (TFP), Tomas Morales – an independent reporter and videographer – shared his eyewitness account of the event at Yorba Linda.
“They confronted each other,” Morales admitted of the clash between Trump supporters and BLM activists. “But where Trumps supporters arrived wearing MAGA hats and carrying flags, the BLM activists arrived in full body armor, carrying shields and weapons like pepper spray, tasers and sticks.”
In this video below, titled “Protests with Context,” compiled by Morales, BLM organizers can be seen instructing members on how to use force against people with flags and what to do if CS gas was deployed. You can also see a BLM activist wearing a helmet and carrying a taser. You can hear the sound of the taser as the activist activates the weapon.
“They weren’t coming with the best intentions,” Morales said.
“About 30 minutes into the protests,” NPR reported, “Orange County Sheriff’s Department officials say they began to get reports of physical altercations between the two groups — including at least one person pepper-sprayed by another protester.”
The person with the pepper spray was Turner. Morales was the second of her victims. In the video shared by Morales, you can see her spraying the first man in the face before turning her canister on him.
“They know me,” Morales said, explaining that this was not the first time he covered a protest by BLM members in California. “I’ve been doxed. They know my tattoos, my mustache. They post on social media, saying ‘if you see him at a protest, he isn’t welcome.’”
One eyewitness — who spoke with TFP under the condition of anonymity for fear of retaliation – said she saw members of Caravan for Justice attack a Trump supporter at another location.
“We drove down there just to observe what was going on,” she said. “We saw about 30 or 40 members of the Caravan for Justice group on the corner by Chili’s and there was a man near them. I didn’t see him get hit but within seconds a bunch of them descended on him. He had a Trump hat from 2016, they stole that, and a Trump shirt. I saw people pull him out. He was pretty shook up. That’s when a brawl happened on that corner. That poor man was so shaken and upset.”
The eyewitness also said she “saw a man with body armor and a helmet carrying a shield. The Helmet had ACAB on it.”
According to the Urban Dictionary, ACAB means “All Cops Are Bastards.”
In a Sept. 28 Twitter post by Liz Jones, she credits Morales with a shot of a man known as “The ANTIFA Soldier,” who was seen in his riot gear at the Yorba Linda protest. She also shares a shot of the GoFundMe page set up by Catalina Oviedo to help bail the Antifa Soldier’s costume out of holding, which had been confiscated by the LA County’s Deputies after his arrest at a Sept. 9 protest for Dijon Kizzee at South LA.
“We’re told this man was one of the most aggressive,” Bill Melugin of FOXLA shared on Twitter after that incident.
“These are the types of people going into the suburbs to incite violence,” Morales told TFP.
In another exclusive interview with TFP, Andres Delfin said he too was at the Yorba Linda protest.
Delfin said Turner could be seen roaming through the crowd throughout the protest, yelling commands to other BLM activists.
“She was like an enforcer,” Delfin said, “like the muscle. She was there telling the ‘newbies’ how to conduct themselves. She was barking out orders like, ‘hold the line,’ and encouraging members to get in the faces of the Trump supporters.”
Delfin also found a bundle of hockey sticks under a car. “There was a label on them that said ‘YL’ on it,” Delfin shared, “for Yorba Linda. It’s like they were prepared for distribution, like they package things up for different protests.”
In multiple photos at multiple protests, including the one in Yorba Linda, Turner can be seen waving a large stick and hitting people with it as she moves through the crowds to incite violence.
Turner’s group — Caravan for Justice — organized the March 4 Equality protest outside of the Yorba Linda Library in conjunction with other Black Lives Matter Groups.
“We support the right to peacefully protest, Orange County District Attorney Todd Spitzer, said further in his press release, “but these are not peaceful protests. These are organized protests that encourage others to engage in civil disobedience. When pepper spray and other displays of force failed, she positioned her vehicle to be used as a backup weapon and she used that vehicle as a deadly weapon, willing to injure and kill those who stood in her way.”
As reported Sept. 29 by the LA Times, USC law professor Jody Armour said it may be difficult for prosecutors to prove Turner tried to kill someone because it requires showing she was more than just reckless or negligent.
“When you’re talking about attempted murder, you’re talking [about] a requirement that the state prove that… she drove into the crowd with the true purpose to cause someone’s death,” Armour said. “That says something about their motivations, their character, their state of mind. It’s a value judgment. It’s a moral judgment.”
USA Today reported that Ludlow Creary II, a defense lawyer for Turner, claims she “tried unsuccessfully to get help from deputies,” after her group was “overwhelmed by a hostile crowd.”
Turner also claims she saw people with guns and feared for her life when she got into her car that was blocked by Trump supporters, attorney said. She was trying to get away and didn’t intend to hit anyone.
In a Sept. 28 report by CBSLA, Anthony Bryson, who helped plan the event for the Urban Organizers Coalition, also tried to cover for Turner.
“People had broken her windshield,” Bryson told CBSLA. “She was trying to leave. She was in fear for her life.”
That account is adamantly refuted by Delfin, who was there when it happened.
“I got in close before she ran over people with her car,” Delfin said.
In the photo Delfin shared with TFP, Turner is seen standing calmly beside her car with the door open as she has a conversation with another BLM member.
“When she got in her car, with the way the car was positioned,” Delfin explained, “she could have gone to the left out of the parking lot or to the right to exit through the Trump supporters. She chose the path through the crowd.”
“Her intent was not to flee,” Delfin insisted, “but to use her car as a battering ram.”
Delfin said he is disgusted by the way the media is trying to cover for the BLM protesters.
“I was there,” Delfin said. “We want the truth. That’s all we want.”
Despite the eyewitness accounts and mounting video evidence that it was Turner and her fellow Black Lives Matters protesters who arrived armed and prepared to actively incite violence, liberal media is attempting to downplay Turner’s actions and those of her fellow BLM protesters.
A Sept. 27 article by the New York Times does not even identify Turner as a BLM activist or the leader of Caravan for Justice and co-organizer of the protest.
A Sept. 29 report by NBC Local channel 4 only states that Turner is “believed to be affiliated with the ‘Caravan of Justice,”’ not the leader, and co-organizer of the protest, and — rather than reporting that Turner accelerated her car through a crowd of Trump supporters in the parking lot of the Yorba Linda Library, it claims she “was driving out of the Yorba Linda Public Library lot when she steered her compact car through an intersection, hitting a man and a woman.”
A Sept. 29 article by the New York Post — under the false headline, “BLM leader begged cops for help before driving through counter-protesters” — claims Turner “only hit the gas after police ignored her pleas for help” and that she “called 911 when she was surrounded by a hostile group of counter-protesters — some with firearms.”
There have been no reports of any 911 call being made to police by Turner, no evidence the anti-police activist “begged cops for help” and no evidence that any Trump supporter had a weapon of any kind, let alone “firearms.”
By viewing the URL of the NY Post article, you can see the original headline of the article was “blm leader who plowed through protesters says she feared for her life.” The only question is: Why did they feel the need to change it?
Laurie Perez, a mask-clad reporter for Local CBS News channel KCAL9, was quick to report from the scene in the aftermath that “witnesses” say it appeared that the man seen chasing after Turner’s car in the video had “what looked like a gun.”
However, another eyewitness — who also spoke to TFP under the condition of anonymity — insists there was no gun. “Speaking out against ANTIFA,” the man said, “is kind of touchy.”
“I was there,” the man said. “He definitely didn’t have a gun. He was wearing shorts and a t-shirt. It was thin clothing. There was no gun. He had no place to put a gun. The only guns were tasers on the BLM/ANTIFA side.”
As you watch the video shown by KCAL9, it’s clear the man had nothing in his right hand, which he pointed toward Turner as she fled in her car. In his left hand, he appeared to hold a cell phone.
“I went to the rally in Yorba Linda with some of my friends,” Orange County resident Alejandra Menez, told TFP. “About 40 minutes after we got there, we got word that ANTIFA and BLM had arrived. They said they were just there for a protest. But we saw was a completely different story.”
Menez said that while Trump supporters arrived wearing MAGA hats and Trump t-shirts carrying American flags, back-the-blue and Trump flags, the BLM members arrived dressed primarily in black, wearing masks and even riot gear, carrying shields and weapons like pepper spray, tasers and hockey sticks.
In the video, shared by Menez exclusively with TFP, you can see BLM activists maneuvering into the crowd of Trump supporters wearing body armor and carrying shields.
“All of the Trump supporters started crossing the street into the library parking lot,” Menez said further, “and that’s when tensions started to get high. We were telling them to go home.”
“We didn’t want them going into the city to do what they did in other cities,” Menez explained. “Then, all of the sudden, I see a white a car and the woman drove through where all of the trump supporters were standing.”
In the video shared by Menez, you can see how Turner accelerates directly through the crowd of Trump supporters. Menez insists Trump supporters “broke her back windshield after Turner ran over the Trump supporters to make sure her car could be easily identified by police if she got away.”
“It’s heartbreaking,” Menez said of the way the liberal press has been covering this story. “You think you can rely on the news to tell you everything but the way they are covering things, it’s frustrating. People are watching the news to find out what happened, but they aren’t really getting the truth.”
According to Brian Rokos of the Orange County Register, there were “reports that some people had weapons.”
However, according to eyewitnesses and multiple videos, only BLM activists were seen with weapons.
Even in his headline – “Car rips through crowd at Black Lives Matter protest and counter-protest in Yorba Linda; driver arrested” – Rokos refused to identify Turner as a BLM activist who targeted Trump supporters.
In a Tweet Rokos shared in his article, he even declares that the only ones breaking the law that day were the Trump supporters.
“The counter-protesters call BLM protesters criminals,” Rokos wrote, “yet it is the counter-protesters who are breaking the law today by jaywalking across Imperial Highway to engage the BLM people.”
Hillary Simon was so incensed by the article by Rokos she wrote him an email.
“The OC title is FAKE news,” Simon charged in there Sept. 27 email. “No, a car did not rip through a BLM protest at Yorba Linda! The car ran through a crowd of Trump supporters! Shame, shame, shame!”
“Thank you for writing,” Rokos returned in his email to Simon,” I was standing there. There was a mixed crowd of protesters from both sides that the car drove through.”
However, Rokos says he didn’t see what happened in a Tweet he shared in the article.
“This is the car that drove through the crowd,” he said, admitting, “I don’t know all the circumstances.”
Rokos also eludes that the Trump supporters were hit by the car because they were “blocking its path.”
“It’s my experience,” Rokos said in his email to Simon, “that unless we write a story saying all BLM people should be shot that Trump supporters will never be happy.”
“What a snarky and unprofessional response,” Simon returned. “This has nothing to do with who supports who it has to do with click bait misleading titles.”
“Your job is not to make any side ‘happy,’” Simon returned, “it is to report fact. Your response validated why journalism is dead.”