Former President Donald Trump on Monday (File)

Trump Suggests New York DA Alvin Bragg Will Drop Hush-Money Case Before It Goes To Jury

Former President Donald Trump on Monday (File)
Former President Donald Trump on Monday (File)

Former President Donald Trump suggested that left-wing Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg would drop the alleged hush-money case before it gets to the jury.

Trump also ripped the trial as “election interference,” as polls show he continues to hold big leads over President Joe Biden.

“People are thinking that Soros backed D.A., Alvin Bragg, who never wanted to bring the Witch Hunt against me in the first place, is going to drop this ridiculous and very unpatriotic ‘CASE’ in order to save lots of money, and also the self-respect of his once revered Office,” Trump posted on his social media platform, Truth Social, late Thursday night.

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“He would then be able to focus on Violent Crime, which is running rampant and totally out of control in New York.”

“The dilemma is, and always has been, the Trump Hating (APPOINTED IN 2009 & STILL ACTING!) Judge, Juan Merchan, who would be confronted with the problem of how he would explain this TRUMP loss, to the Radical Left Democrats, to whom he owes so much?” Trump added. “Bring back ‘Justice in America.’ ELECTION INTERFERENCE!!!”

The former president followed that up with posts on Friday, again suggesting the case should be dropped before jurors weigh in.

“There is virtually universal agreement of the fact that the Alvin Bragg Witch Hunt against me, a SHAM TRIAL instigated and prosecuted directly from the inner halls of the White House and DOJ, should be immediately dropped, with apologies to me and all of the others who have had to live with this Election Interfering Hoax against Crooked Joe Biden’s Political Opponent. Not nice!!” Trump said.

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In a second post on Friday, he noted, “Wow! Even MSDNC & Fake News CNN, home of the First Presidential Debate in June, now feel the Soros backed D.A., Alvin Bragg, ‘Case’ against me SHOULD BE DROPPED IN THAT IT IS NOT WINNABLE, AND SHOULD NEVER HAVE BEEN BROUGHT IN THE FIRST PLACE!!!”

“The only thing they have going for them is a HIGHLY CONFLICTED JUDGE who has done everything within his power to help Crooked Joe Biden win a Presidential Election that he has, based on performance, no right to win. He is systematically destroying America, and is a true THREAT TO DEMOCRACY!!!”

Trump posted several comments from conservative analysts who ripped Bragg and the trial.

Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton said the case makes the U.S. look like a “banana republic.”

National Review columnist Andy McCarthy, a former federal prosecutor, noted, “Merchan should dismiss the case because it is already apparent that Bragg cannot prove criminal intent beyond a reasonable doubt. After three weeks of the prosecution’s case, I now believe the evidence would be insufficient even if Bragg had charged only New York’s misdemeanor business-records-falsification offense.”

Read: Jonathan Turley Says Bragg’s Team Isn’t Calling Key Player In Trial Because It Could Help Trump

Fox News analyst Gregg Jarrett, who is also a lawyer, added, “Weaponization of the law or ‘lawfare,’ by any means, is now justified. It’s the popular currency among Biden Democrats. Abiding by the rule of law is a mere inconvenience, a pesky nuisance. It can be discarded like yesterday’s trash.”

“There is no credible evidence of a crime!”

Trump has been accused of paying porn actress Stormy Daniels $130,000 in 2016 to remain silent about an alleged affair, which Trump denies. Bragg contends Trump did so to help his election campaign.

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