Donald J. Trump

Trump Says The Most Popular Presidents In America Would Have A ‘Very Hard’ Time Beating Him

A presidential ticket consisting of a resurrected George Washington and Abraham Lincoln would have found it “very hard” to defeat former President Trump in his first three years in office, Trump said in an interview published Monday.

“I think it would be hard if George Washington came back from the dead and he chose Abraham Lincoln as his vice president, I think it would have been very hard for them to beat me,” Trump said in the Vanity Fair interview.

Both Washington and Lincoln are usually considered to be the most popular presidents in history, with the pair placing second and first, respectively.

Trump claimed he was unbeatable before the pandemic, due to an impressive economy. “In a certain way, I had two presidencies,” he said, speaking to how COVID-19 hurt his reelection.

“I think we did a great job on COVID and it hasn’t been recognized,” Trump said. “The cupboards were bare. We didn’t have gowns. We didn’t have masks. We didn’t have ventilators. We didn’t have anything…We brought in plane loads. We did a great job.”

“I had two jobs: running our country, and running it well, and survival,” Trump added. “I had the Mueller hoax. I had the witch hunt. It’s one big witch hunt that’s gone from the day I came down the escalator.”

Trump also took the opportunity to call Mitch McConnell a “stupid person” for not ending the filibuster to push through conservative legislation. “He was a knucklehead and he didn’t do it,” he said.

The former president weighed in on whether he will launch another campaign for the White House in 2024. “I’ll be making a decision at some point. I will say this: Based on the polls, those polls are great, the Republican Party loves Trump. Ninety-seven percent!” he said.

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