Trump In Tampa Friday, ‘Wall Of Moms’ and Protests Planned


Trump In Tampa Friday, ‘Wall Of Moms’ and Protests Planned

July 28, 2020

By: Staff Report

TAMPA, Fla.-  President Trump will be in Tampa for a fundraiser this Friday the 31st according to the GOP website, at the State Fairgrounds in Tampa, where guests can spend up to $100,000 for direct access to the President.

Protests are planned and the ‘Wall of Mom’s’ will be there, creating a wall to protect peaceful protesters, said the statement.

In a tweet today, @tampawom said, “We are here to support the #BLM movement and take direction from local BLM leaders on how to best do that. Our goal is not to be the voice of someone else’s experience. Only to protect their right to have their voice heard.”

Other groups are planning to protest the President such as, Wall of Vets and The Black Collective Movement.

protests trump

According to the flier, the protest is being called, “No Trump, No KKK, No Racist USA,” which is organized by Tampa’s Black Collective Movement. “Let’s make sure this day is unforgettable AND unwelcoming,” says the caption for the flier. The protests are planned to take place at the fairgrounds, where the fundraiser is planned.

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