Former President Donald Trump on Monday continued to press the case for Arizona officials to prove that the “big lie” about the 2020 election is the claim that Joe Biden won.
In a statement on Monday, Trump ripped Maricopa County elections officials who still refuse to comply with a subpoena that allows Trump allies to poke around in election equipment as part of an ongoing audit of last year’s results.
Last week, Ben Cotton, founder of a cybersecurity company called CyFir, a subcontractor of the Florida-based Cyber Ninjas firm that is leading the audit, told state senators that it was “critically important” for the auditors to inspect the vote-tallying servers because the county had not updated its antivirus software in the last 15 months before the election.
Maricopa officials, who are Republicans, claim such a move could cause sensitive data to leak. Cotton disagrees.
Trump was unimpressed by the explanation.
“Why won’t the RINO Maricopa County Board of Supervisors in Arizona give the routers? What are they trying to hide?” he said in a statement.
“They are fighting for life or death. What is going on? Give the routers! Doesn’t this mean that the voting was, despite their statements to the contrary, connected to the internet? The Voter Fraud in the 2020 Presidential Election was monumental, and the facts are coming out daily!”
Trump’s comments on Monday followed remarks from last week, in which he trashed Fox News, and host Bret Baier specifically, and local election officials for asserting there was no fraud, while praising senators who are raising doubts about the outcome.
“Fox News and other media outlets incorrectly side with the outdated and terrible Maricopa County Election Board to report no fraud found in the Presidential Election,” Trump said last Thursday. “They spew the gross misinformation purposefully put out by the county and the Associated Press, and IGNORE the very important Arizona Senate’s hearing yesterday, which showed 168,000 fraudulent ballots printed on illegal paper (unofficial ballots), 74,000 mail in ballots received that were never mailed (magically appearing ballots), 11,000 voters were added to the voter rolls AFTER the election and still voted, all the access logs to the machines were wiped, and the election server was hacked during the election.”
Trump alleged that it is the “brave Arizona Senate who is fighting for the people of Arizona.” “Thankfully, Arizona has strong State Senators willing to fight for the truth,” Trump added. “Arizona shows Fraud and Voting Irregularities many times more than would be needed to change the outcome of the Election.”
Also on Thursday, Trump noted that the “irregularities revealed at the hearing today amount to hundreds of thousands of votes or, many times what is necessary for us to have won. Despite these massive numbers, this is the State that Fox News called early for a Biden victory. There was no victory here, or in any other of the Swing States either.”
He labeled those Senate hearings “devastating news to the Radical Left Democrats and the Biden Administration.”
“Maricopa County refuses to work together with the Senate and others who are merely looking for honesty, integrity, and transparency. Why do the Commissioners not want to look into this corrupted election? What are they trying to hide?”
“The Senate patriots are moving forward with final results to be announced in the not-too-distant future,” said Trump, quoting senators who9 said the results must be decertified.
“Based on today’s hearing, why even wait?”
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