Three (3) lucky Screenwriters will get their scripts funded and made into movies for up to $1M each

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Three (3) lucky Screenwriters will get their scripts funded and made into movies for up to $1M each

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Stardom Films, USA

Best odds of not only winning a screenplay competition “Laurel”, but also getting their script fully FINANCED, actually PRODUCED and seen by audiences worldwide

Stardom is the best plan I’ve seen in 30 years and will likely change the entire film industry!”

— Award Winning Actor-Producer Member of SAG-AFTRA, PGA, IDA – Scott duPont

FT LAUDERDALE, FLORIDA, UNITED STATES, May 14, 2023/ — Unlike the Hollywood cutthroat film scene, Stardom Films has evened the odds of not only winning a screenplay competition “Laurel”, but also getting script/screen writers fully FINANCED, actually PRODUCED and seen by audiences worldwide.

Stardom Films is changing the game for aspiring screenwriters. Stardom Films for the first time provides up and coming writers without the “right connections” to agents or money the chance of a lifetime to have their script green-lit, fully financed and produced into a $1M feature length motion picture. Stardom Films USA just announced three (3) new movies searching for screenplays in three (3) different popular genres which are listed at

The odds of Stardom Films green-lighting, financing and producing the winning scripts are much much more improved than the long shot odds of winning a typical screenwriting contest where registrants have only a 1 in 1,000 chance (sometimes “many thousands” depending on which competition or film festival) of receiving the coveted Best screenplay “Laurel”. The sad and shocking statistic is that even for the lucky winners who ever get a Best screenplay “Laurel”, less than 5% of those winning screenplays ever get financed and produced. In other words, some of the best screenplays and most amazing stories end up in Hollywood Forever cemetery.

While Stardom supports the current WGA writer’s strike (in fact several Stardom Team members are on the picket lines in Hollywood), the Stardom model is NOT for veteran, experienced writers who are signatory to WGA, have a top literary agent, or have multiple produced film credits. Jeff Vanderpol, President and Founder of Stardom Films adds: “Stardom Films is about empowering talented underdogs to showcase their skills and work alongside professionals in the film industry. Our unique methodology for making movies not only funds projects, but it also creates career opportunities for individuals who can’t get that first lucky break. We believe that talent should be the only barrier to entry in the film industry.” In addition, Stardom doesn’t care what gender people are or what their race or religion is. Unlike some other writing contests Stardom promises that no one will be discriminated against or even asked these demographic or extremely personal quota questions. Stardom judges 100% solely on Talent.

Stardom Films is disrupting the film industry by democratizing access to opportunities and funding for any writers who believe they have talent. With multiple projects in the pipeline and a proven track record of successful partnerships and collaborations, Stardom is poised to change the face of Hollywood. Stardom Films UK is partnering with Posterity Films on the movie: “One Night in Bath,” scheduled to shoot in England this July and Stardom Heritage Films is partnering with Red Guerrilla Entertainment on another movie set to film in Atlanta this summer.

To learn more about Stardom Films and its current screenwriting contests, visit For all other inquiries, contact

Jeff Vanderpol
Stardom Films, USA
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