Allow me to introduce myself. I’m The Obstinate Grandmother.
I’m opinionated, armed to the teeth, and subtle as a 2 x 4 upside your head if you insist on pushing my buttons.
I have no patience for stupid or lazy people and I won’t filter my first amendment rights to coddle your fragile little feelings, so all you “woke” people yearning for safe spaces and participation trophies best be moving along.
But for the rest of you, strap in sweeties because I’m fixing to give you the straight-up skinny on something that really pisses me off.
Today’s topic: Megan Rapinoe
Who the hell thought it would be a good idea to have an angry, self-centered, knee-taking, America-hating, purple-haired spoiled brat be a spokesperson for Subway? What? Jared “The Pedophile” Fogle wasn’t embarrassing enough?
Have the growing number of fed-up franchisees and boycotting customers across America not made it clear just how much they literally despise her for showing such blatant disrespect for the country that provided her with every opportunity she’s had?
Why are companies trying to cram this woman down our throats? We don’t like her and we won’t buy anything she sells, especially lingerie!
Are the people at Victoria’s Secret not aware that a large portion of their customers are men who purchase those dainty little girly things for their wives, girlfriends, and mistresses?
Who in the hell thought it would be a great marketing idea to replace those unnaturally thin and admittedly somewhat vacuous yet extremely popular angels wearing fantasy bras and thong panties with a woman who probably goes “boxers or briefs” and kicks balls for a living?
Who else will go down in history for inspiring a large portion of Americans to actually cheer when the United States Women’s Soccer Team LOST… TO CANADA!!!
Well… there’s also Gwen Berry, the third-place shot put girl with the strange makeup who thought she could gain some national fame and status like all those other knee-taking/America-hating sports figures by turning her back to the American flag as her National Anthem played. That didn’t work out the way she planned.
She made people so angry with that ungrateful stunt she barely got 10 of her proverbial 15 minutes of fame before being enthusiastically shoved into the dustbin of “oh no, you didn’t.”
I tell you, it just amazes me how enthusiastic some people are to show the rest of the world just how stupid “woke” can be.
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