Thinking Of Getting A Pet Reptile? Here’s Why You Should


Thinking Of Getting A Pet Reptile? Here’s Why You Should

It is common for most people to think of either dogs or cats when they hear the word pet. You can find millions of pics of kittens and puppies on the Internet. But hold on!

Reptiles such as chameleons are cute too. You might want to consider getting a reptile for a pet, and this article will show you why that is a great idea.

Is It Possible to Have a Reptile as a Pet?

Many people would be surprised to see a reptile as a pet, but it is possible. As they are uncommon in households, many people visiting your place may be slightly uneasy about having a reptile around. Although most are housed in specially made cages or enclosures, the size varies according to the type of reptile. There is a wide variety you can choose from; you just need to be aware of the requirements and care needs for each type. Here are a few factors that could help make up your mind.

There Are Many Types of Reptiles You Can Choose From

You may not be very fond of snakes, but that shouldn’t stop you from having a pet reptile, as they are a diverse group of creatures, including turtles, chameleons, geckos, or bearded dragons. You will first have to judge exactly how much time you have in your schedule to take care of a pet and if you have enough space for its habitat.

Once you’ve decided that, you can choose from over 8000 species of reptiles. The pet store or the vet, wherever you get your reptile from, will help you out to pick the right one according to your needs.

Reptiles Don’t Require a Lot of Maintenance

Compared to more common household pets, reptiles are incredibly low maintenance. That is why they are a favorite for people with tight schedules, as they can be fitted into just about anybody’s lifestyle. The only thing about them that requires regular maintenance like other pets is the occasional trip to the vet.

Reptiles don’t require daily walks, nor do they need to be fed every day. As the metabolism of reptiles is slow, some of them eat only a handful of times per month.

You can source out dubia roaches for sale at competitive prices and easily fulfill the nutrition needs of your pet reptile. This makes it cheaper, in the long run, to have reptiles as pets.

No Training Required

You will need to gain some knowledge on how to take proper care of your reptile, but that is all the knowledge transfer that is required. Reptiles don’t require any training, so if you are looking for a pet that will be ready to start living in your home, reptiles are the easiest choice. Cats or dogs, on the other hand, need to be trained how to live in the house and get along with children and other pets. House training is something you don’t need to be worried about with reptiles as they have their cages or enclosures to live in. All you need to do is clean the cage from time to time, which is much easier than having to clean up after them.

No Weird Odors

With conventional pets, there is always the risk of an accident indoors causing a foul odor, and for cats, it’s necessary to clean the litter box regularly. Reptiles, on the other hand, have room or tanks inside their cages where they can conduct their business, leaving the smell inside the tank.

The odor won’t spread as long as the cage is kept clean. This way you will always have fresh-smelling air in your home, so the days of apologizing to your guests for pet smells are over.

Reptiles Live Long Lives

You can count on your reptile to be by your side for life, depending on which species of reptile you choose. Some chameleons live up to three or four years in captivity, so people who want pets with shorter life spans can choose that too.

If you want to commit to a pet for the long run, a reptile might be your perfect choice. Adopting is a possibility when you go with reptiles such as tortoises, due to their long lifespans.

You Can Take Tension-Free Vacations

Sometimes you may have to take an unexpected weekend trip. If you have a dog or cat, you then need to go through the hassle of finding a pet sitter or a kennel at the last moment. Many people don’t want to face the stress of looking for a pet sitter and decide to stay home altogether. The scenario is different when you have a reptile.

All you will need is to have a friend drop by occasionally to check on it. This will depend on how long you are planning to go away. As reptiles are low-maintenance pets who don’t need to be fed too often or taken for a walk every day, you can leave for a short trip without having to worry about coming back and finding your favorite pair of shoes chewed up.

Final Thoughts

You can learn a lot from reptiles if you choose to have them as pets as they are really fascinating creatures. The COVID-19 pandemic in particular has taught us many new ways of co-existing with pets. You won’t need to cuddle up with the reptile, and not a whole lot of effort is required after its maintenance, making it a very popular choice for people with hectic schedules.

Reptiles don’t make any noise, so your neighbors won’t be bothered by them at all. Reptiles are housed in cages or enclosures so they won’t wreak havoc on your property when you are not around. These and a lot more reasons add up to reptiles being an amazing choice for you when you are looking to welcome a new pet home.

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