The Implications of Getting a Divorce in 2021


The Implications of Getting a Divorce in 2021

No one goes into a marriage thinking it will end in divorce. While people may joke about starting marriages and moving onto bigger and better things down the line, this is typically what they are: just jokes. 

But with 50% of all marriages ending in divorce or separation in the US, you have to question, is there some truth behind this joke? 

Divorce is something that shouldn’t be undertaken lightly, the same with taking your marriage vows. Sadly, many reasons why a marriage may end up in divorce, as detailed in this infographic created by Spodek Law Group Los Angeles. 

In a day and age where divorce is common, what should you bear in mind when considering this legal course of action to end your marriage? 

What are you hoping to achieve by getting a divorce? 

A divorce can take many months or years to finalise, and making sure this is the best option for your marriage can avoid you making a big mistake if you think you might be able to reconcile and work your differences out. 

For many people, both men and women, a divorce is a culmination of months, if not years, of deliberating whether their marriage is worth saving. 

If you are wondering what exactly getting divorced will mean for you and your family, this handy infographic below has more details on the reality of divorce in 2021 and what this can mean for you going forward.

Infographic created by Spodek Law Group Los Angeles
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