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The Accent Coach Discusses How to Make a Good First Impression

Humans used to live in tribes and thus, trust, competency, honesty, morality, and much more were of the utmost importance.

You still want to be yourself. Be authentic. People will see straight-through someone who is fake.”

— Claudette Roche

VERO BEACH, FL, UNITED STATES, October 29, 2021 /EINPresswire.com/ — First impressions count for a lot in business and in personal situations. In fact, it’s common for a lot of people to make sudden judgments, especially when first meeting someone. And this all actually comes down to the basics of survival. Humans used to live in tribes and thus, trust, competency, honesty, morality, and much more were of the utmost importance. Being able to detect this in others could mean the difference between survival or not.

While, in today’s world, it might not be all about survival. First impressions still matter. Claudette Roche, the Accent Coach, elaborates, “Humans are social beings. However, for first impressions, context also matters! For example, business versus going on a date, you’re probably not looking to make the exact same impression.”

Roche goes on, “It’s also important to note that for first impressions, we use everything in our toolbox to assess a new person. This includes non-verbal cues, attentiveness, and more. If you’re frowning and avoiding eye contact, this immediately gives off untrustworthiness and negative vibes to most people.”

“I think the goal is to find a common ground, as well as smile, make eye contact, and engage the other person. Most of us love others that are similar to us. We also love to talk about ourselves. Thus, asking questions about the other person might immediately make them flock to you,” Roche says.

At the same time, The Accent Coach does not recommend making up a whole persona that doesn’t reflect who the person is. “You still want to be yourself. Be authentic. People will see straight-through someone who is fake.”

Roche goes on to explain the magic of the power pose. “When you stand with your shoulders back and chest open, you look confident. You become easier to talk to. You are engaging. This is a positive sign for others and again, it gives off a good first impression.”

Claudette Roche
The Accent Coach
+1 818-434-7761
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