Austin Tice (FBI)

Texas And Maryland Senators Urge Biden Admin To Prioritize Return Of Austin Tice From Syria

Austin Tice (FBI)
Austin Tice (FBI)

U.S. Senator John Cornyn (R-TX) and Senator Chris Van Hollen (D-MD) led a bipartisan coalition of more than a third of the Senate in a letter to President Joe Biden, urging immediate action to secure the release of Austin Tice, an American journalist, Houston native, and Marine veteran who will mark 12 years of captivity in Syria on August 14.

“Over four years ago, many of us joined a letter signed by a bipartisan group of members of the House and Senate urging President Trump to use the full weight of his national security team to secure Austin’s release. We now reiterate the request that you do everything possible to bring Austin home,” the senators wrote.

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“As an American and a veteran, Austin deserves the full and active support of our government to secure his release. We also encourage your administration to utilize all available means to further discourage the hostage-taking of American citizens,” said the letter.

Austin Tice: Over A Decade of Captivity

Austin Tice, an American journalist and former Marine, has been held captive in Syria for over a decade, marking one of the longest-held hostage cases in U.S. history. His family and supporters continue to tirelessly advocate for his release, urging the U.S. government to prioritize his safe return.

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Tice, a freelance journalist, was abducted near Damascus in August 2012 while reporting on the Syrian civil war. A brief video released weeks later showed him blindfolded and held by armed men, but his captors have never publicly made any demands or revealed their identity.

Despite years of diplomatic efforts and negotiations, Tice’s whereabouts and condition remain unknown. His family, led by his parents Debra and Marc Tice, have been vocal in their calls for the U.S. government to secure his freedom. They have met with various officials, including President Biden, and have organized numerous campaigns and events to raise awareness about his case.

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The U.S. government has repeatedly stated its commitment to bringing Tice home, but concrete progress has been elusive. The complex geopolitical situation in Syria, coupled with the lack of direct communication with his captors, poses significant challenges.

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