Teen band Beyond Chaotic is making waves in Tampa Bay

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Teen band Beyond Chaotic is making waves in Tampa Bay

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Beyond Chaotic’s debut album!

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Alex and Max Karafilis

Beyond Chaotic is kicking off the New Year by appearing on Fox 13's "What's Right with Tampa Bay".

a high-octane set of aggressive bangers”

— Jeremy Lukens

TAMPA, FLORIDA, USA, January 3, 2022 /EINPresswire.com/ — Beyond Chaotic, fronted by 17 year old Max Karafilis and his 15 year old bass playing sister Alex, will be kicking off the New Year on Fox 13's "What's Right with Tampa Bay". They are also featured in Land O' Lakes Magazine, January 2022 issue.

In 2019 Glide Magazine called this brother and sister Rock duo's performance at the Gasparilla Music Festival, "a high-octane set of aggressive bangers". Since then, the band has been busy gigging and supporting their first album, This Can't Be Good, which has been charting on College Radio stations throughout the Country. Their song You Don't Even Know (Kung Fu), won 1st place in 2020's Unsigned Only, Teen category and was picked up by DJ Duane Bruce (one of the first to play Nirvana) to play weekly on his show, American Debauchery. The band is currently consulting with Camille Barbone, credited with discovering Madonna.

Keep an eye out for Beyond Chaotic's second album, dropping soon.

Max Karafilis
MMAAXXKK Entertainment
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