One of the nation’s leading natural tattoo removal companies is offering certification for experienced and non-experienced tattoo artists.
HIALEAH, FLORIDA, UNITED STATES, January 25, 2022 / — Representatives with Miami-based Tattoo Vanish Method, LLC announced today that it is now offering all-natural tattoo removal certification to experienced and non-experienced tattoo artists.
“Everyone is welcome to join,” said Barbara Gonzalez, spokesperson for Tattoo Vanish Method LLC. “This two-day, non-laser tattoo removal training includes virtual training; tattoo removal machine, power supply, foot pedal, and Tattoo Vanish product.”
“Our tattoo removal certification is a faster, more affordable path that delivers superior results. All that is needed is your state tattooing license, blood borne and pathogen certificate, and to pass our program. See your state’s tattooing rules for variations on these requirements,” said Barbara.
Regarding tattoo removal certification cost, Barbara highlighted that licensed and experienced artists can become Tattoo Vanish® certified by taking an online course for just $499, whereas inexperienced artists require the online course plus two days of hands-on training in Miami; the cost is $1,995.
Barbara stressed that becoming a tattoo removal technician is a great way to expand anyone’s career or to start a new career path.
Today, there are more than 20,000 tattoo shops in the United States, and a four out of 10 adults between the ages of 18 and 69 have at least one tattoo. That’s 45 million Americans with tattoos. However, many people regret getting their tattoo.
According to a survey conducted by YouGov, almost a quarter of Americans who have tattoos regret at least one of them. This means that, while most people don’t regret their tattoos, there are still plenty of people who do, and as more and more people get tattooed, there will be more and more people regretting them and looking to get them removed.
“Unfortunately though, not all tattoo removal methods are made equal,” Barbara said. “The fact of the matter is that, with many of them, you just won’t get the results you want or expect. However, there’s one tattoo removal method. However, that rises above the rest — the Tattoo Vanish Method.”
The Tattoo Vanish Method, according to Barbara, is a completely unique, all-natural method for removing tattoos, and best of all, it gets the job done effectively and in fewer treatments than laser tattoo removal, and for a more affordable price.
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About Tattoo Vanish Method, LLC
Tattoo Vanish Method empowers you with the world's first, all-natural tattoo removal procedure. Unlike other tattoo removal methods, Tattoo Vanish is far less painful and less expensive than laser. While there are other non-laser methods available, Tattoo Vanish is the only original all-natural (no acids, non-toxic) product and procedure available.
Contact Details:
Barbara Gonzalez
1409 West 49th St. Suite 2
Hialeah, Florida 33012
United States
(305) 702-0178
p class=”contact” dir=”auto” style=”margin: 1em 0″>Barbara Gonzalez
Tattoo Vanish Method, LLC
+1 844-582-6474
email us here
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