Tampa Police Launch a New App for Public Safety


Tampa Police Launch a New App for Public Safety

TAMPA, Fla. – The Tampa Police Department has launched the SafeTampa app to allow residents and visitors alike to quickly Say Something if they See Something.

The app is free to download from the Google Play and Apple stores. Just search for SafeTampa. It was created in partnership with Citizen Observer.

For convenience, the Tampa Police main webpage: www.tampa.gov/police has a “SafeTampa” banner which, when clicked on, will take users to the appropriate download site if they are on a cellular device.

If working from a desktop computer, the banner link will re-route the user to an online portal to submit a tip.

Tips can also be shared via SMS by texting the keyword SAFETAMPA to 847411 (TIP411), followed by the information to be shared with the police department.

Safe Tampa App

The app allows for two-way communications, sharing of photos and video, and receiving customizable public safety alerts from the Tampa Police Department.

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