Talking Between Iran And Saudi Arabia Is Not Coincidence, Says Senator Murphy

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Talking Between Iran And Saudi Arabia Is Not Coincidence, Says Senator Murphy

Iran and Saudi Arabia have recently commenced their talking in Baghdad about the region’s issues. The negotiations are processing after several years hesitate between the two sides, and the U.S welcomes the good relationship between two powerful countries in the Middle East.

Some analysts say that the U.S has encouraged both to compromise and reducing the tension in the region.

Fresh off a trip last week to the region, Sen. Chris Murphy said the Biden administration’s focus on de-escalation and diplomacy “has had an immediate, positive impact,” noting that “the grass shoots of dialogue are emerging between historic rivals.”

“It is not a coincidence that almost immediately after the election of President Biden, you saw the rift [among Gulf Arab countries] get on a pathway to being healed,” Senator Murphy said. “It’s not a coincidence that after President Biden was sworn in, you saw the Iranians and the Saudis starting to talk to each other.”

Moreover, President Joe Biden’s top diplomat has told the Financial Times on Tuesday that talks between Iran and Saudi Arabia geared toward easing tensions in the Middle East would be a welcome development, as Washington pursues its own diplomacy with Tehran in order to reinvigorate a multilateral nuclear agreement.

Secretary of State Antony Blinken would not confirm widespread reports of quiet talks held between regional rivals Tehran and Riyadh, but told, “if they’re talking, I think that’s generally a good thing.”

Also, The Middle East Eye recently reported that Iran has asked Saudi Arabia to help sell its oil and circumvent US sanctions in exchange for limiting Houthi attacks on the kingdom’s oil facilities, Iraqi officials familiar with negotiations taking place in Baghdad have told Middle East Eye.

In Trump’s era, Israel and Saudi Arabia had established a coalition between themselves and the Trump administration against Iran but, the U.S now welcomes the good relationship between two powerful countries in the Middle East.

The negotiations between Iran and Saudi Arabia have resumed at the same time as Vienna talks about reviving the nuclear deal. If the two talking will come to fruition, Iran can restore its economy before the next presidential election on June 18, 2021.

It can increase the turnout rate of the election that which is very critical for Iran’s government body.

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