Study: More Than One-Third Of White Students Faked Being A Minority In Order To Get Into College, Or Reap Financial Aid


Study: More Than One-Third Of White Students Faked Being A Minority In Order To Get Into College, Or Reap Financial Aid

Despite the left’s tired, redundant rhetoric about the evils of America’s “white supremacy,” “systemic racism,” and lack of “equity,” some college students are wise to who really controls our nation’s cultural power.

A large number of white students are seeking to beat the left at its own game, according to a new study by, a website that ranks colleges and higher education programs for prospective students.

“Every year, aspiring college students complete admissions applications, with the hopes that their grades, extracurriculars, and recommendations will lift them above the pack, and earn them acceptance at the school of their choice,” the website noted.

“However, some college applicants are misrepresenting their race in an effort to use their desired school’s diversity efforts to gain admission, or obtain more financial aid.”

And not just a token amount who are faking it in order to make it. found that 34 percent of the 1,250 white college students it polled lied about being minorities on college applications.

The amazing thing, however, is that it worked.

As for the study, “The number one reason why applicants faked minority status is to improve their chances of getting accepted,” the website reported. “Fifty percent also lied to benefit from minority-focused financial aid.”

Perhaps not surprisingly, white men more commonly went down the trail blazed by that infamous Native American, Democratic Sen. Elizabeth Warren, whose DNA test found she was 1/1,024th Native American.

Forty-eight percent of white men faked being a minority in order to improve their chances. That compared to just 16 percent of white women.

Considering that women are more than 50 percent of all college students, they likely did not see the need to fudge their applications.

And like Warren, the whites who practiced cultural appropriation went native so to speak, as 48 percent of cheaters declared themselves Native American.

As for other races, 13 percent asserted they were Hispanic, while 10 percent said black and 9 percent opted for Asian-American.

Broken down by sex, 54 percent of the male phonies claimed Native American as their racial heritage.

Among women, Hispanic was the most popular choice, with 24 percent, although 18 percent did claim to be black. Managing Editor Kristen Scatton observed in a statement, “For college applicants who are trying to give their application a boost by pretending to be a racial minority, they may seize on this notion that many Americans of European descent have some Native American DNA in their bloodline.”

“However, research has shown that’s not all that common, particularly among white Americans. But applicants are banking on the fact that no college is going to ask them to provide a DNA sample to verify.”

But maybe colleges don’t ask for much proof at all. learned that 77 percent of “people who claimed to be a racial minority on their applications were accepted by the colleges to which they lied.”

“While other factors may have played a role in their acceptance, the majority of applicants who lied and were accepted (85%) believe that falsifying their racial minority status helped them secure admission to college,” the report stated.

Scatton, in follow-up comments, added, “Lying on a college application about anything, including your race, is never a good idea. Colleges can and will rescind admissions offers if they discover students lied during the application process.”

That may be true, but one thing is clear.

Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, and these college students well understand that what liberal administrators fear most is being viewed as insufficiently woke.

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