Statement From Mike Curb Regarding Tennesee Discriminatory Bills

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Statement From Mike Curb Regarding Tennesee Discriminatory Bills

By: Mike Curb

Nashville, Tenn. – Curb Records founder and Chairman Mike Curb says today that if Governor Bill Lee signs the current discriminatory curriculum opt-out bill in addition to the other discriminatory bills he has signed this past year, he will become the #1 discriminatory Governor in America.

Governor Lee has signed anti-adoption and anti-sports bills and is encouraging other dangerous pieces of legislation which have created serious backlash in other states. Several conventions have already indicated their intentions to pull out of Tennessee and the NCAA has publicly stated they will move championship events from discriminatory states.

These bills deflect from real issues and only cause fear and division within our communities. Republican Governor Hutchison in neighboring Arkansas recently vetoed one of these discriminatory bills stating, “Anytime you are passing laws to address a problem that currently doesn’t exist, but you worry about in the future, you have a potential of getting it wrong.” He further went on to say, “These are tough areas. And… we can debate them on conservative principles but let’s show compassion and tolerance and understanding as we do that, and that’s the simple message that I think is important for our party.”

Curb, a leading Republican, acted as Governor and Lt. Governor of California as well as the co-chairman of the successful Ronald Reagan presidential campaign. He was a leader in the fight to stop the Briggs Initiative which would have banned gay schoolteachers.

Curb is proud to have joined with over 450 large and small businesses including Amazon, AT&T, Fed-Ex, Google, HCA, Nissan, and The Ryman as part of Tennessee Thrives to specifically call for a stop to discriminatory legislation in Tennessee. As signers of this pledge, we believe our workplaces and communities must be diverse and welcoming for all people, regardless of race, sex, national origin, ethnicity, religion, age, disability, sexual orientation, or gender identity. We are committed to promoting an attractive, prosperous, and economically vibrant Tennessee. A united Tennessee is a thriving Tennessee.

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