Starting a Business During the Pandemic? One Tampa Company is Full of Positive Vibes


Starting a Business During the Pandemic? One Tampa Company is Full of Positive Vibes

August 17, 2020

By: Staff Report

TAMPA, Fla. – COVID-19 has consumed the news, absorbed our thinking, and changed our lives. One Tampa company has refused to let this pandemic control its direction.

Meet John Fiumano, CEO and Founder of Allied Dynamic Search based in North Tampa, FL.

“We need to think realistically and optimistically at the same time. I’ve heard it said many times, and my dad used to tell me during a tough time, this too shall pass”, said Fiumano

John Fiumano, CEO and Founder of Allied Dynamic Search

Fiumano says, “This is not an optimal situation to start a business in, but this period allows us to focus on our employee process and training and being sure that our employees are in a position to succeed post-pandemic.”

Stephanie Gonzalez, Senior Executive Recruiter at Allied Dynamic Search, said, “Even though we may be a new company, we’ve been in this industry for over 30-years. Our CEO, John Fiumano, has always been supportive, and forged ahead with our launch, not letting COVID-19 stop us.”

According to Allied Dynamic Search’s LinkedIn Business page, they are an executive search firm dedicated to using our experience and a strong, carefully built network to provide valuable client services to the following industries;

  • Credit, Collections and Business Process Outsourcing
  • Medical Device, Medical Imaging, and Biotech
  • Telecom, Low Voltage, and Residential/Commercial Security

Across the country, many small businesses are struggling to stay open, and many large corporations have slashed the workforce and forced layoffs and furloughs. Fiumano, on the other hand, has promoted employees to higher positions and has focused on transitioning his employees to a remote workforce.

Remote work is an area that many companies have either struggled with or embraced in the past. With the current stay at home orders throughout most of the United States, remote work is a necessity now.

Fiumano added, “ There has been a lot of reluctance for remote work or telecommuting. How one looks at this, depends on the type of leader they are, trust is needed. Trust in your personal leadership and trust in your employees. I think we are going to see more companies working remotely after the pandemic has passed. There are other benefits, such as less traffic and emissions from having a remote workforce as well as cost efficiencies.”

 “Our collaboration as a team, during this time, has been tremendous. John says we can dwell on the negative or focus on the future.” Gonzalez said with motivation in her voice.

Isn’t that the truth. Yes, this pandemic has changed things for us all, in some facet, but there are positives to focus on as well. Business must go on, and Fiumano and team are forging forward.

“You can’t always look at the grey. There are positives. We are feeling more of a sense of community coming out of this. Our clients and customers, both professionally and personally need that motivation as well.” said Fiumano


To learn more about Allied Dynamic Search, please visit

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