Republican Sen. Lindsey Graham of South Carolina (File)

South Carolina Sen. Lindsey Graham Calls For Retaliatory Strike “Hit Iran Now. Hit Them Hard”

Republican Sen. Lindsey Graham of South Carolina (File)
Republican Sen. Lindsey Graham of South Carolina (File)

Three U.S. troops were killed in a drone attack in Jordan near the Syrian border, where Iran-backed militias have launched over 150 attacks on US military bases in recent months.

A one-way attack drone crashed into the Jordanian base Saturday night, killing three U.S. service members and injuring more than 30.

South Carolina Senator Lindsey Graham called on President Biden to strike Iran and “hit them hard.”

“When the Biden Administration says ‘don’t’, the Iranians ‘do’. The Biden Administration’s rhetoric is falling on deaf ears in Iran,” said Graham. “Secretary Austin’s efforts to deter aggression against our forces in the region has failed miserably. I’ve long since lost confidence in the Biden national security team to deter Iran. If they do not change their policies now, more American service members in the region will pay.”

“Hit Iran now. Hit them hard,” said Graham on X.

Florida Republicans blasted Biden on Sunday following the news and said that his policies are enriching Iran, but didn’t go as far as Graham in calling for a war with Iran.

Read: Trump Blasts Biden After 3 U.S. Troops Killed In Drone Attack, More Than 30 Injured

“I’m angered and saddened that 3 US soldiers were killed, and many wounded, by Iranian-backed proxies. Joe Biden failed at deescalating tensions for months. He provided no serious response as Iran’s proxies executed attack after attack targeting American troops. Meanwhile his administrations’ policies were enriching Iran. This is a complete failure and a horrific price to pay. Our troops deserve better,” said Rep. Greg Steube on X.

“Joe Biden has made our troops sitting ducks, and he allows our enemies to attack them with impunity. Biden’s weakness is getting our troops killed. RIP to our three fallen service members,” said Florida Gov. DeSantis on X.

“It was only a matter of a time before Biden’s appeasement strategy towards Iran got American service-members killed. Tragic and preventable,” said Florida Congressman Mike Waltz on X.

“Remember: when Iran-backed terrorists dared kill an American, President Trump cut the head off the snake and the attacks stopped. Biden’s weak leadership is costing American lives and empowering the Iranian regime,” said Waltz in another X post.

The attack signifies a major escalation, as it’s the first time U.S. service members have been killed. A Dec. 25 attack on a base in Iraq critically wounded a service member, who is recovering in the hospital. At least 70 U.S. troops have sustained minor or concussive wounds, a senior military official said.

CENTCOM is withholding the names of the fallen troops until their family members have been notified, which typically happens within 24 hours of the incident.

Biden called the attack “despicable and wholly unjust.”

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“We will carry on their commitment to fight terrorism. And have no doubt — we will hold all those responsible to account at a time and in a manner our choosing,” Biden said.

The Saturday incident also appears to be the first to impact Tower 22 in Jordan, where U.S. forces are advising and assisting Jordanian troops, since the attacks on U.S. and coalition bases began Oct 17.

Former President Donald Trump also ripped Biden on Sunday over attack and the deaths and injuries of US Soldiers.

“The drone attack on a U.S. Military Installation in Jordan, killing 3 American Servicemembers, and wounding many more, marks a horrible day for America. My most profound sympathies go to the Families of the Brave Servicemembers we have lost. I ask all Americans to join me in praying for those who have been wounded. This brazen attack on the United States is yet another horrific and tragic consequence of Joe Biden’s weakness and surrender.

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“Three years ago, Iran was weak, broke, and totally under control. Thanks to my Maximum Pressure policy, the Iranian Regime could barely scrape two dollars together to fund their terrorist proxies. Then Joe Biden came in and gave Iran billions of dollars, which the Regime has used to spread bloodshed and carnage throughout the Middle East. This attack would NEVER have happened if I was President, not even a chance – Just like the Iranian-backed Hamas attack on Israel would never have happened, the War in Ukraine would never have happened, and we would right now have Peace throughout the World. Instead, we are on the brink of World War 3.

“This terrible day is yet more proof that we need an immediate return to PEACE THROUGH STRENGTH, so that there will be no more chaos, no more destruction, and no more loss of precious American lives. Our Country cannot survive with Joe Biden as Commander in Chief,” said Trump.

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