Say It Ain’t So: ‘Pro-life’ Group Feels ‘Betrayed’ Biden Supports Abortion – After He Said He Would


Say It Ain’t So: ‘Pro-life’ Group Feels ‘Betrayed’ Biden Supports Abortion – After He Said He Would

President Joe Biden has lied so well over his nearly 50 years in government, and during his campaign for the White House, that he makes a Persian rug envious.

But one thing Biden didn’t mislead voters about – or at least mislead them as much – was his support for abortion.

Biden realized nearly two years ago that the Democratic nomination was not going to go to a Catholic candidate like him who upheld Catholic teaching on abortion as public policy.

So, he bailed on the Church, and on positions he’d held for years, if not decades, in order to curry favor with Democratic voters.

In June 2019, for instance, Biden announced that he could no longer support the Hyde Amendment, which bans taxpayer-funded abortions and was a provision Biden had supported for more than 40 years

Still, some, probably looking at Biden’s history of mendacity, believed Biden really didn’t mean what he said, and could be convinced to go another route.

A group called Pro-Life Evangelicals for Biden was among them.

Alas, the group now believes the 46th president has hoodwinked them. Shocker.

In a letter posted on Twitter on Sunday, two of the group’s leaders, Richard Mouw and Ron Sider, announced they are offended by … politics.

“We are very disappointed about the COVID-19 relief package’s exclusion of the Hyde Amendment, a longstanding bipartisan policy that prevents taxpayer funding for abortion. We’re even more upset that the Biden administration is supporting this bill,” they wrote.

“As pro-life leaders in the evangelical community, we publicly supported President Biden’s candidacy with the understanding that there would be engagement [with] us on the issue of abortion and particularly the Hyde Amendment. The Biden team wanted to talk to us during the campaign to gain our support, and we gave it on the condition there would be active dialogue and common ground solutions on the issue of abortion.”

“There has been no dialogue since the campaign,” they noted.

“We feel used and betrayed and have no intention of simply watching these kinds of efforts happen from the sidelines. Many evangelicals and Catholics took risks to support Biden publicly. President Biden and Democrats need to honor their courage,” Mouw and Sider added.

“We call on President Biden to honor his commitment to us and immediately demand that the House of Representatives apply the Hyde language to the American Relief Package. This is no time for radical change to longstanding abortion policy,”

They concluded, “If this is not done it will raise the question of whether or not we are still welcome in the Democratic Party.”

The Free Press recently noted how Kentucky Republican Sen. Rand Paul successfully maneuvered to get Democrats to drop language from the COVID-19 relief bill that would have allowed Planned Parenthood access to the Paycheck Protection Program.

But Senate Democrats outmuscled Republicans to defeat applying the Hyde Amendment to $50 million in the bill for “family planning” services.

Three Democrats – Sens. Bob Casey of Pennsylvania, Tim Kaine of Virginia, and Joe Manchin of West Virginia – joined 49 Republicans in voting to apply the Hyde language. But their efforts failed because doing so required a 60-vote supermajority.

The puzzling thing is not why Democrats in Congress bulldozed through public aid for abortion. They’ve long opposed the Hyde Amendment, and this time simply took their cue from the president.

Rather, it’s perplexing as to how a group that allegedly is pro-life believed a serial liar like Biden would do anything to help its cause when the Democratic Party’s pro-choice stance has grown so vigorous and unrelenting over the years that the party’s pro-life caucus could meet in a phone booth – if those still existed. 

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