SARASOTA, Fla. – You are invited to join members of the Sarasota Police Department on their next “virtual ride-along” this week through their Tweet from the Beat social media program. On Thursday, September 17, 2020, beginning at 6 p.m., Twitter users can virtually “ride along” for another Tweet from the Beat’ with Patrol Officers during night shift.
Officer George Terris will share what he does while on night shift patrol through texts, videos, GIFs and various photos. Partnership Policing Communications Coordinator/Public Information Officer Genevieve Judge will tweet on behalf of Officer Terris. Followers who follow the handle @SarasotaPD on Twitter will be able to ask questions and interact with the Sarasota Police Department while they are on patrol.
To join the Sarasota Police Department ‘Tweet from the Beat’ virtual ride
along: Twitter users can follow the Sarasota Police Department under the handle @SarasotaPD. To create a Twitter account, users can visit to and sign up. It is easy, quick and free. Once an account is created, users can follow the handle @SarasotaPD.