Sheriff Hoffman

Sarasota County Sheriff A. Hoffman Issues 2021-2025 Strategic Plan

SARASOTA, FL. – The Sarasota County Sheriff’s Office today released its 2021-2025 Strategic Plan, a roadmap that will guide the agency over the next four years.

Sheriff Kurt A. Hoffman worked with Dr. Jim Sewell, retired Assistant Commissioner for the Florida Department of Law Enforcement (FDLE), to facilitate the strategic planning process. Over several weeks, Dr. Sewell met with an internal employee workgroup, members of the agency’s command staff, and community stakeholders to identify issues that are important to all three groups.

Represented in the community workgroup were business owners, community leaders, representatives from the non-profit sector, and elected officials. From the meetings, specific and attainable goals, strategies, and objectives were laid out and compiled to create the agency’s 2021-2025 strategic plan.

Important themes within the new report include identifying ways to enhance sheriff’s office operations and citizen engagement, planning and adapting to the changing needs of Sarasota County, creating an environment that supports an inclusive and diverse workforce, and developing programs that reduce recidivism and support reintegration.

The new plan includes a total of three overarching goals, 10 strategies, and 36 objectives that will be assigned to various personnel throughout the agency. The status of each objective will be reported quarterly and measured annually until completion.

“I am excited and proud to see how the community and our members came together to strategize how our agency will measure success over the next four years,” commented Sheriff Hoffman. “The strategic planning process holds us accountable to the goals we set for ourselves and tells the citizens we serve that we are in tune with what they want and need out of their sheriff’s office. I want to personally thank the more than 50 people who contributed to this important publication.”

The 2021-2025 publication is the fourth strategic plan created by the sheriff’s office. It can be downloaded on the sheriff’s office website by following this link, or citizens can pick up a printed copy in the coming weeks at the agency’s Sarasota headquarters.

Prior strategic plans were published in 2009, 2013, and 2017, and can also be viewed online.

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