Sabrina Protic is a Featured Author in the upcoming book, The Book I Read: Stories of Transformation

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Sabrina Protic is a Featured Author in the upcoming book, The Book I Read: Stories of Transformation

Sabrina Protic, Bestselling Author of The Book I Read

Sabrina Protic, Financial Coach, World Class Partners Associates

Sabrina Protic, Financial Coach, World Class Partners Associates

Sabrina Protic, Pushing Up People

Sabrina Protic, Pushing Up People

Sabrina’s chapter is Master Leadership in Pushing Up People. In it, she shares how the book, Pushing Up People by Art Williams, transformed her life

I took a personal inventory of myself and determined that my passion was people. I opted to become an independent licensed financial coach to help people live their lives with financial confidence.”

— Sabrina Protic

BRANDON, FLORIDA, UNITED STATES, March 28, 2022 / — Action Takers Publishing is pleased to announce that Sabrina Protic, founder of W.E.E. Women's Entrepreneurial Empowerment, is a featured contributor in the book, The Book I Read: Stories of Transformation.

On March 29, 2022, Action Takers Publishing will launch the book, The Book I Read: Stories of Transformation. With the release of this book, Action Takers Publishing has created a powerful collection that will inspire you and touch your life in ways only books can. This book contains stories from 50 incredible writers who share their personal experiences with reading a book and the transformation it had on their life. The title of Sabrina’s chapter is Master Leadership in Pushing Up People. In it, she shares how the book, Pushing Up People by Art Williams, transformed her life.

Sabrina is a wife, mother and grandmother who loves educating and empowering her community. As a licensed world-class financial coach and certified life coach, Sabrina has authored several books on wellness and personal finance. She is the founder of W.E.E. Women's Entrepreneurial Empowerment, an organization striving for continuous opportunities for women to expand their networks, develop relationships, and grow their businesses.

Sabrina is the co-founder of The Sharper Woman Newsletter, a resource that helps women live longer, younger, stronger and smarter lives utilizing the power of information. She is also the COO of Thriving Women Network on e360tv. Sabrina knows that women are powerful when they come together and share their knowledge.

“I took a personal inventory of myself and determined that my passion was people. I loved networking with people, building teams of connectivity, support and collaboration. I opted to become an independent licensed financial coach to help people live their lives with financial confidence.” Sabrina Protic, Excerpt from The Book I Read: Stories of Transformation.

Action Takers Publishing is excited to share their latest new release: The Book I Read: Stories of Transformation. This collaboration book showcases fifty different writers and their unforgettable stories about how one book changed them forever. You'll surely be inspired by what these amazing authors have experienced. We are honored to have Sabrina Protic as one of those contributing authors. The book is available in both paperback and Kindle format at all major online bookstore resellers. Get your copy today at:

Sabrina Protic
World Class Partners Associates
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