Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Suspends Independent Presidential Campaign, Endorses Donald Trump


Robert F. Kennedy Jr. announced Friday that he is suspending his independent presidential bid and will seek to remove his name from the ballot in key battleground states. Kennedy explained his decision stems from a belief that his continued candidacy would inadvertently help Democratic nominee Kamala Harris in the upcoming election.

“Many months ago I promised the American people I would withdraw from the race if I became a spoiler. … In my heart, I no longer believe I have a realistic path to electoral victory,” he said.

Read: Poll Shows GOP Voters More Favorable Toward RFK Jr.: VP Candidate Ohio Sen. Vance Welcomes Kennedy

Kennedy criticized the modern Democratic Party, calling it “the party of war, censorship, corruption, big pharma, big tech, big ag, and big money.”

He added, “The DNC launched relentless legal battles against both President Trump and me. Every time our volunteers submitted the massive stacks of signatures required to get on the ballot, the DNC took us to court, state by state, trying to nullify their efforts and undermine the will of the voters who signed those petitions.”

“They used DNC-aligned judges to remove me and other candidates from the ballot and to attempt to imprison President Trump,” Kennedy said.

Shortly after Kennedy’s announcement, Donald Trump, while campaigning in Las Vegas, revealed that he had received an endorsement from Kennedy.

“That was very nice,” Trump said to an enthusiastic crowd at a Mexican-Italian fusion restaurant. “That’s big.”

Trump’s supporters responded with cheers as he hinted that he would be discussing Kennedy’s endorsement further during his rally in Arizona later that day.

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