RNC Statement On Joe Biden’s Joint Address And Sen. Tim Scott’s Response


RNC Statement On Joe Biden’s Joint Address And Sen. Tim Scott’s Response

Republican National Committee (RNC) Chairwoman Ronna McDaniel released the following statement on Joe Biden’s joint address: 

“Joe Biden’s first 100 days in office have been an unqualified failure, including unprecedented attacks on energy workers, a humanitarian crisis at the border, and an America-last foreign policy agenda. Then there is his hyper-partisanship, as he and Democrats attempt to abolish the filibuster, pack the Supreme Court, and force through their H.R. 1 power grab. In his inaugural address, Biden called for unity. That was a lie, and our nation is worse off and more divided thanks to Joe Biden.”

“After a joint address packed with partisan lies, it was refreshing to hear my friend Senator Tim Scott hold Joe Biden accountable for his record of failure and tell Americans the truth. Senator Scott’s inspiring response outlined our winning Republican agenda, which will unite our nation and create more opportunities for every American. His life is a testament to the American dream — which Joe Biden and Democrats are actively trying to dismantle.”

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