Report: Fauci, Ardent Proponent Of “Science,” Simply Took Chinese Communist’s Word Advocating Lockdowns


Report: Fauci, Ardent Proponent Of “Science,” Simply Took Chinese Communist’s Word Advocating Lockdowns

Throughout the pandemic, Dr. Anthony Fauci has repeatedly extolled “science” in recommending precautions against COVID-19, even once claiming that he himself represented “science.”

Throughout the pandemic, Dr. Anthony Fauci has repeatedly extolled “science” in recommending precautions against COVID-19, even once claiming that he himself represented “science.”

But it appears that in 2020 Fauci trusted Chinese Communist Party hacks more than the scientific process when it came to recommending the lockdowns that devastated the lives and livelihood of millions of Americans.

That’s according to Dr. Aaron Kheriaty, a psychiatrist and director of the Bioethics and American Democracy Program at the Ethics and Public Policy Center.

In a Thanksgiving Day tweet string, Kheriaty spelled out how Fauci reached his pro-lockdown position at the beginning of the pandemic.

Kheriaty is a former University of California-Irvine professor who was fired last year for refusing the COVID vaccine after school rejected his claim of natural immunity. In August, he joined a few other Fauci critics in the medical community who are supporting the lawsuit Missouri and Louisiana have brought against the Biden administration. The states argue that Team Biden colluded with social media giants to tamp down criticism of COVID policies.

Kheriaty’s take on Fauci’s actions came from the deposition Fauci gave this week to lawyers for the states.

According to Kheriaty’s Twitter posts, Fauci confirmed that in February 2020 he sent Clifford Lane, his top deputy at the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, to China as the U.S. representative for the World Health Organization.

According to the WHO’s own account, the group met with health officials, scientists, and healthcare workers in facilities in Beijing, Wuhan and two other cities.

Upon his return, Kheriaty tweeted, “Lane convinced Fauci we should emulate China’s lockdowns.”

“The CCP had claimed China had “contained the virus through draconian lockdowns — a claim now known to be false. Given the (sic) China’s pattern of falsified information, Lane and Fauci should have approached this claim with skepticism. Lockdowns were wholly untested & unprecedented,” Kheriaty wrote.  

Citing a comment from his lawyer, Jenin Younes, Kheriaty added that Fauci “‘was apparently willing to base his lockdown advocacy on the observations of a single guy relying on reports from a dictator.’ Not exactly a double-blind randomized trial level of evidence, or indeed, any level of evidence.”

Kheriaty noted that the WHO, which has been a prominent defender of China during the pandemic, went along, praising its response in its report of the February 2020 visit: “China’s uncompromising and rigorous use of non-pharmaceutical measures [lockdowns] to contain transmission of the COVID-19 virus in multiple settings provides vital lessons for the global response.”

“This rather unique and unprecedented public health response in China reversed the escalating cases,” the WHO argued.

“Lockdowns quickly spread from China to the West, as a troubling number of Western apologists besides the WHO also looked to the Chinese Communist Party’s covid response for guidance,” Kheriaty continued.

“The U.S. & U.K. followed Italy’s lockdown, which had followed China, and all but a handful of countries around the globe immediately followed our lead. Within weeks the whole world was locked down.”

“From the very beginning, the evidential basis for this global policy catastrophe was always paper-thin. We are now living in the aftermath,” Kheriaty concluded.

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