Former President Donald Trump (X)

Report: Despite Legal Troubles, New Poll Shows Trump Holds Solid Leads In 5 States Biden Won In 2020

Despite a mountain of legal problems, former President Donald Trump holds solid leads over incumbent President Joe Biden in a handful of pivotal battleground states, a new New York Times-Siena College poll reveals.
Former President Donald Trump

Despite a mountain of legal problems, former President Donald Trump holds solid leads over incumbent President Joe Biden in a handful of pivotal battleground states, a new New York Times-Siena College poll reveals.

According to the survey, released Sunday, Trump is thumping Biden,  including building a gap of nearly 10 points in one race, in five of six key states that Biden won in 2020.

As Newsmax reported, Trump held his biggest lead in Nevada, winning at the moment by a 52-41 margin.

In the other states, Trump was plus-6 in Georgia, plus-5 in both Arizona and Michigan and plus-4 in Pennsylvania.

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Wisconsin was the only state still in Biden’s corner. But his lead there was a shaky two points (47-45).

Men overwhelmingly prefer Trump, backing him by a spread of 62 to 33. Women are close to joining them. Biden leads by only one point among female voters (47-46).

The poll also revealed that Biden is failing among minority voters that have served as the Democrats’ base.

Biden holds a single-digit lead over Trump among Hispanics in these states. Trump’s support in rural communities nearly doubles Biden’s advantage in urban areas. And 22% of black voters in these states support Trump, a level, Newsmax noted, “that hasn’t been seen for a Republican presidential candidate in recent years.”

Ironically, for all of Trump’s alleged racism, the only state where Biden leads is Wisconsin, the whitest state included in the survey.

And as the Tampa Free Press recently reported, Trump is making inroads with young voters. The Times found that Biden leads Trump by just one point among voters under 30.

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Other items of note from the poll:

  • Two of every three voters say the country is on the wrong track
  • Voters in all income levels say they have been hurt by Biden’s economic policies, while Trump’s actually helped them. Those voters said they trusted Trump over Biden on the economy by a 59-32 margin. And those who thought the economy was their most important issue backed Trump 60-32. Just 2% said they felt the economy was in “excellent” shape.
  • 71% of respondents, including 54% of his own supporters, said Biden is “too old” to be an effective president. In comparison, just 39% said that of Trump.
  • 62% of all respondents said Biden lacked the “mental sharpness” to be an effective president.

Newsmax further noted, “In other numbers, voters also overwhelmingly favored Trump on immigration, national security, and the Israel-Hamas war.” 

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