Ray Of Hope: Critics Of Woke San Fran School Board Members Gain Momentum In Recall Effort


Ray Of Hope: Critics Of Woke San Fran School Board Members Gain Momentum In Recall Effort

Sometimes, wokeness may not save you, even in the wokest place on Earth.

The effort to recall three radical – or perhaps more radical than usual – school board members in San Francisco is picking up steam.

The San Francisco Chronicle reports that support for the plan is up 15 percent between polls taken in February and May.

The members at issue Alison Collins, Gabriela López, and Faauuga Moliga – started in hot water when 60 percent of poll respondents five months ago said they should be recalled.

By the May survey, backing for the plan stood at 69 percent.

Overall, according to the Chronicle, 71 percent of people disapprove of the entire school board’s performance – while just 10 percent approve.

That’s up from a 57 percent negative rating in February.

The pollster told the Chronicle that just five years ago, those numbers were reversed, as the board posted a 60 percent favorability rating.

“We have a lot of San Franciscans who are quite ready to recall the school board,” a representative of the polling firm told the paper.

Recall proponents have gathered more than half of the roughly 51,000 signatures they need to force the issue for each member on the ballot. They have until Sept. 7 to gather the rest. Proponents believe they can make it because they have now raised enough funding to hire signature collectors.     

The Free Press reported in May that the board itself voted to strip Collins of her title as vice president after old tweets emerged in which she referred to Asian-Americans as the N-word. Collins also had accused Asians of using “white supremacist” thinking to “get ahead.”

Collins is black, by the way.

Meanwhile on other issues, the board went full woke to rename more than 40 schools, and then learned many mistakes were made in identifying why the schools ought to be rechristened.

When made aware of the errors, Lopez, the board president, instead of acknowledging the mistakes, blamed critics for trying to discredit the process.

In another example, a white male parent was excluded from an advisory board for not being “diverse” enough, even though he was homosexual.

And the board also voted to kill a competitive entrance exam for an elite high school because too many Asians were making the grade.

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