Radicals Flip Nevada Democratic Party: An Outlier or the Party’s Future?


Radicals Flip Nevada Democratic Party: An Outlier or the Party’s Future?

Leftist Cancel Culture, in leading us to “Woketopia,” usually aims its takedowns at conservatives and traditional icons.

But members of the Nevada Democratic Party opted to cancel themselves – a pre-emptive strike against an anticipated cancel maneuver from the progressives who recently seized power.

On Saturday, according to The Intercept, “a coalition of progressive candidates backed by the local chapter of the Democratic Socialists of America took over the leadership of the Nevada Democratic Party, sweeping all five party leadership positions in a contested election that evening.”

The DSA-fueled takeover of the Nevada Democratic apparatus was fueled by Sen. Bernie Sanders.

The Intercept argued that the Vermont independent, a self-proclaimed socialist and among the most radical members of Congress, began laying the foundation for Saturday’s outcome back in 2016 when he ran for president. His organization kept up its appeals in the interim, paying off with Sanders’ victory in the 2020 Democratic primary.

Consequently, as the progressive ascended to power over the weekend, the more moderate Democrats headed for the door.

The Intercept reported, “(E)veryone on the small staff had resigned, including the party operations director, communications director, research director, and finance director.” The consultants went as well.

The former staffers claimed they would be fired – an allegation denied by the new party leader, Judith Whitmer.

Whitmer said the departures were not all that surprising, but still interesting since the previous staffers had pledged “unity.”

“We were prepared for it. But what hit us by surprise and was sort of shocking is that for a slate that claimed that they were all about unity, and kept this false narrative of division going on throughout the entire campaign — in fact they kept intensifying that — that’s what was surprising about it, was the willingness to just walk away, instead of working with us.”

Hmm, Democrats who promised unity but in reality practiced divisiveness, and then showed no interest in bridge-building. Just imagine.

The question, as they watch alleged moderate President Joe Biden give the radicals everything they want after promising not to, is whether the so-called moderates have any oomph left to keep their party from drifting more into the arms of the Bernie Bros.

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