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Rabbi Yaron Reuven with BeEzrat Hashem Inc. Launches New Online Kiruv Store

Torah Kiruv Store Created by Rabbi Yaron Reuven

Torah outreach is made easier with access to free opportunities for distributors.

FLORIDA, USA, December 7, 2021 /EINPresswire.com/ — Jewish kiruv (outreach) organization BeEzrat Hashem Inc. is helping to inspire English and Hebrew speaking communities by launching a new platform. Individuals can now become a distributor of Torah materials for free. For residents of the US, shipping is also included in the free offer. Anyone who would like to spread Torah information but doesn’t have the time to distribute can become a sponsor.

BeEzrat Hashem Inc. is reaching millions of people across the globe with free Torah education. The organization’s teachings are being distributed in ten languages through online videos, books, CDs/DVDs, USBs, podcasts, Apps, and a ROKU TV station. Rabbi Yaron Reuven and Rabbi Efraim Kachlon have taught about a variety of topics including: Wasting Seed, Avodah Zarah in sheitels (wigs), immodesty/sexual exploitation, conversion to Judaism, anti-missionary, and Mussar (Character Development).

Some of the inspiration materials available for free distribution include: Rabbi Yaron Reuven’s new book, Rabbi Efraim Kachlon’s books, Rabbanit Shulamit Kachlon’s book, kiruv DVDs, and blessing cards. A full list of items is available on the kiruv store website.

To become a distributor or a sponsor visit:
www.BHKIRUV.org or www.KIRUVSTORE.org

Yaron Reuven
BeEzrat HaShem Inc
email us here


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