Probate & Trust Administration Attorneys West Palm Beach, Florida

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Probate & Trust Administration Attorneys West Palm Beach, Florida

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PALM BEACH GARDENS, FLORIDA, USA, December 15, 2020 / — Hire Probate Attorney Palm Beach | Legal Advice- 24/7

Florida fiduciaries seek the assistance of the attorneys of Doane & Doane, P.A. to administer and manage their trusts and estates.

The founding partners of Doane & Doane are board-certified West Palm Beach Probate Attorneys. With the additional advantage of certified public accountancy in their backgrounds, they present a unique combination of skills and experience which enables them to effectively settle, administer, and manage clients’ trust and estates.

When a person passes away his or her estate has to be settled or liquidated. In the process, the assets are either sold or distributed. This process is referred to as estate administration. As the personal representative or as an estate executor, it is your responsibility to manage this entire process.

Probate Administration Lawyer West Palm Beach

Overseeing an estate can be a time-consuming and complicated process. We help clients every step of the way. Our probate administrative services include:

  1. Proving in court that a deceased person’s will is valid
    2. Identifying and inventorying the deceased person’s property
    3. Probate & Trust Administration West Palm Beach
    4. Property appraisal
    5. Supervising and arranging the estate’s debts and taxes
    6. Distributing property as directed by a will
    7. Transferring title and ownership of assets to the proper beneficiaries

Trust Administration Lawyer Palm Beach

A trust is an entity created by the deceased. Usually, a trust holds and manages the property for the beneficiaries. It is explicitly mentioned in the trust document how the said property is to be managed and distributed. Administration of trust is the same as the administration of an estate. As a trustee, you are supposed to identify, evaluate the worth, and safeguard the trust property. Additionally, you will also have to manage the trust property and make disbursements as per the terms mentioned in the governing documents. You can be held liable and accountable for any financial or property loss if there is any negligence on your part.

Our lawyers oversee the management of trust assets for the benefit of one or more third-party beneficiaries.

Personal Representative Probate Guidance Lawyers West Palm Beach

The personal representative, executor, or executrix must follow Florida law to conclude the decedent’s affairs, including:

  1. Giving the proper notices to proper parties
    2. Collecting the decedent’s property
    3. Receiving claims against the estate
    4. Paying valid claims and disputing others
    5. Distributing estate property according to the will or state law
    6. Selling estate property to cover debts or allow for proper distribution, if necessary

Fiduciary Accounting

Fiduciary accounting involves regularly communicating financial information about a trust to the trustee, principal, and other interested parties, such as the IRS and the courts. Because such accountings are carefully scrutinized, precision and accuracy are essential.

Fiduciary Tax Compliance

Our lawyers help fiduciaries prepare and file tax returns for trusts, Probate, and estates in compliance with federal and state law.

Investment Research and Due Diligence

Probate Attorney West Palm Beach at Doane & Doane research the financial and legal aspects of potential investments and provide thorough analytical guidance to fiduciaries of trusts and estates.

Residency and Domicile Issues

IRS change of address notice. To ensure our clients get their tax refunds and other IRS correspondence, Doane & Doane can file IRS Form 8822 for clients who move.

Homestead Exemption issues. A Florida homeowner’s principal residence provides a substantial property tax exemption. In some cases, the government places restrictions on the property’s transfer at death to protect the homestead owner’s family. Sometimes, these restrictions can have a detrimental effect on an estate plan. The attorneys at Doane & Doane are fully aware of all homestead restrictions and use comprehensive estate and West Palm Beach Probate Attorneys planning to help clients avoid detrimental effects.

Declaration of domicile. To be eligible for the Homestead Exemption and other benefits of being a resident of Florida, clients – particularly those with alternate residences in New York or other states – must establish Florida domicile and abandon their prior domiciles.

Why Do You Need Doane & Doane Services

Any mistakes or oversights in the probate and trust administration process can lead to disputes and litigations. These may occur not just amongst the beneficiaries but also among the estate and the government. Doane & Doane provides you with an experienced lawyer who is proficient in both probate administration and trust administration, thereby paving the path to smooth and quick handling of all issues.



p class=”contact” dir=”auto” style=”margin: 1em 0″>Rachel Bentley
Doane & Doane, P.A.
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