For America’s seniors, the presidency of Donald Trump has led to more choice, better benefits, and significant savings. This President fights for older Americans, taking steps to ensure they have quality, affordable care.
In fact, since President Trump took office:
- Average Medicare health plan premiums have dropped by 34%.
- Some states have experienced price reductions of over 50% or more.
- Medicare prescription drug prices have declined, with premiums down 12% on average.
- The number of Medicare Advantage plans available for seniors has surged to 4,800—a 77% increase under President Trump.
“I stood up to Big Pharma, and that’s not easy,” President Trump said. “They got big money. They’re the biggest lobbyists in this country, by far. And I signed an executive order implementing a ‘most favored nations’ policy for the United States,” which ensures that Medicare won’t pay more than other countries for important drugs.
In Arizona, for instance, after an increase of 64 percent between 2009 and 2017, premiums have now dropped 22 percent. Nevada has a similar story: After an increase of 47 percent during the Obama Administration, premiums fell by 55 percent under President Trump.
President Trump is also fighting to protect American seniors from the global pandemic. After Coronavirus spread from China throughout the world, the Trump Administration went to work holding Beijing and the World Health Organization accountable for their failures while protecting the American people from both economic and physical harm.
“I’m moving heaven and earth to safeguard our seniors from the China Virus, to deliver lifesaving therapies in record time, and to distribute a safe and effective vaccine before the end of the year,” President Trump said.
“You’re the generation that defeated fascism and triumphed over communism, sent American astronauts to the Moon. You built our country into the greatest and most powerful nation the world has ever known.”
Our seniors remind us of the extraordinary American legacy that President Trump is fighting to protect.