Preliminary Tornado Data 2021 National Weather Service,–Surprising, Hopeful Facts for Affordable Housing Seekers

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Preliminary Tornado Data 2021 National Weather Service,–Surprising, Hopeful Facts for Affordable Housing Seekers

A new report on MHProNews examines the facts and evidence that reveals a mix of troubling as well as good news.

Note: in several devices, browsers these images can be clicked to open to a larger size.  Facts, Figures from the and National Weather Service. Properly installed manufactured homes perform well in severe weather.

Note: in several devices, browsers these images can be clicked to open to a larger size. Facts, Figures from the and National Weather Service. Properly installed manufactured homes perform well in severe weather.

Facts and evidence matters when it comes to safety. Tornadoes, Windstorms, Proper Anchors/Installation, Fires Manufactured Homes Vs Mobile Homes Vs Conventional Housing Images Photos Facts Collage MHProNews MHLIvingNewsn

Facts and evidence matters when it comes to safety. Tornadoes, Windstorms, Proper Anchors/Installation, Fires Manufactured Homes Vs Mobile Homes Vs Conventional Housing Images Photos Facts Collage MHProNews MHLIvingNewsn

During affordable housing crisis, preliminary, historic tornado death data-troubling & hopeful facts affordable housing seekers, mobile/manufactured homeowners

The tornado of May 22, 20111 destroyed nearly 7,000 Joplin homes" "no significant death toll difference caused by EF4 and EF5 tornadoes between mobile and permanent home residents.”

— Bimal Kanti Paul Department of Geography Kansas State University

POINCIANA, FLORIDA , UNITED STATES, January 16, 2022 / — Facts and claims by officials and mainstream media sources yield several surprising insights useful for affordable housing seekers, housing advocates, public officials, conventional housing owners, as well as mobile and manufactured homeowners. PBS reported on 12.22.2021 that: “the nation [USA] will see more than 3.4 million deaths in 2021.” According to preliminary 2021 data from the National Weather Service (NWS) said that only about 100 people died in “killer” tornadoes. This should be headline news, and it is in a new report on Manufactured Home Pro News (MHProNews). A new article assembles and examines the preliminary data that includes a frank look at reports that examined the tragic killer storms that hit Kentucky and other midwestern states. Per the NOAA/NWS latest data, only 9 of roughly 100 deaths occurred in a mobile or manufactured home.

That’s important news for affordable housing seekers, sincere and objective housing advocates, or mobile and manufactured homeowners. It is also a reminder to those in commercial buildings and conventional ‘site built’ housing that only FEMA designated tornado shelters are considered safe during a killer tornado or other intense windstorm event.

The data may surprise millions. Someone is statistically more likely to die by lightening in 2021 than those who died in a mobile or manufactured home hit by a tornado. Per TampaBay, “There were 11 U.S. deaths in 2021 [from lethal lightning strikes], compared to a 15-year average of 36.”

Preliminary National Weather Service (NWS), Insurance Information Institute ( data by month are shown in one of the illustrations/graphics.

To frame this safety issue, it is useful to compare the high death tolls from other causes, compared to the minimal apparent risk that the data reveals for those living in a mobile or manufactured home from a killer tornado event.

According to the CDC’s (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) National Center for Health Statistics the following are the top ten causes of death in 2020.

Number of deaths for leading causes of death
• Heart disease: 696,962
• Cancer: 602,350
• COVID-19: 350,831
• Accidents (unintentional injuries): 200,955
• Stroke (cerebrovascular diseases): 160,264
• Chronic lower respiratory diseases: 152,657
• Alzheimer’s disease: 134,242
• Diabetes: 102,188
• Influenza and pneumonia: 53,544
• Nephritis, nephrotic syndrome, and nephrosis: 52,547

Source: Mortality in the United States, 2020. CDC said: “page last reviewed: January 13, 2022.” The CDC is part of the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services (HHS).

• “On the evening of December 10, 2021, a powerful low-pressure system that lifted from the Southern Plains into the Great Lakes and fueled by record-setting warm temperatures and a La Niña weather pattern spawned about 35 tornadoes across six states and killed about 90 people. Hardest hit was Kentucky, where about 75 people were killed and 26,000 homes and businesses were without power, and more than 1,000 homes were destroyed.”
• “2020 Tornadoes: In 2020 there were 1,075 tornadoes compared with 1,517 in 2019, which was the highest annual total since 2011, when there were 1,691 tornadoes, according to NOAA. In 2020, 76 people perished in tornadoes compared with 42 in 2019.”
• “The costliest catastrophe involving tornadoes occurred in April 2011, when a spate of twisters hit Tuscaloosa, Alabama, and 12 other states, causing $8.5 billion in insured losses in 2020 dollars. The deadliest event in the 2000s was the May 2011 Joplin, Missouri event that took 158 lives.”

Those facts arguably provide objective evidence to the success of the HUD Code manufactured housing program creating durable, safe and affordable housing. Prior HUD Secretary Ben Carson said in a speech about manufactured housing’s important role in solving the affordable housing crisis said this. “On a recent visit to Alabama, I was shown a site that was demolished by massive tornadoes – and the only homes in the area that successfully weathered the storm were manufactured houses. It was a silent testament to their resilience. It is also possible that HUD's work with industry leaders to update wind Standards for manufactured housing in 1994 could have helped to limit damage and potentially save lives.”

The Manufactured Housing Improvement Act of 2000 (MHIA), which a bipartisan Congress established consumer safeguards, the so-called federal “enhanced preemption” over local zoning barriers, included new installation mandates. Those MHIA installation standards – per HUD, Carson, and other third-party sources – have yielded safer modern manufactured homes.

But for those who don’t have a post-MHIA manufactured home, the evidence in the video below suggests that adding proper tie-downs can prove to be lifesaving safeguards in mobile homes and manufactured housing. According to an official examining the Stamping Ground, KY tornado destruction, it was only mobile/manufactured homes that had few or no tie downs that were moved off their foundation. Thankfully, no one died in those storms.

That’s reminds mobile/manufactured homeowners who need them to add properly installed anchors.

A source associated with the Manufactured Housing Association for Regulatory Reform (MHARR) told MHProNews that the public should understand that a manufactured home is engineered.

While some topics are controversial – example: tornado facts/evidence – third-parties indicate MHProNews is a magnet for public officials, affordable housing advocates, manufactured housing professionals, investors, educators, the public, and others.

Howard Walker, longtime Manufactured Housing Institute executive committee member, said: “The emergence of Tony Kovach’s group of publications has brought a new standard to the [manufactured home] industry. The thorough and unbiased reporting fills a vacuum that has existed for too long.”

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L. A. "Tony" Kovach
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