Poll Results Indicate More Americans Believe ‘No One Is At The Wheel’ Of The Biden Admin


Poll Results Indicate More Americans Believe ‘No One Is At The Wheel’ Of The Biden Admin

President Joe Biden’s standing with the people he represents is so bad that the mainstream media cannot even ignore it, despite their best efforts to coddle Biden and his staff’s determination to shelter him.

As Voice of America reported last week, Biden “has a lower approval rating at this point in his presidency than all but two presidents since 1945” – and one of them was named Donald Trump.

Yet the right-leaning pollster Rasmussen Reports took a different tack than others in the field and came away with a startling outcome.

In a survey of 1,000 likely voters conducted Sunday and Monday, Rasmussen asked, “How confident are you that Joe Biden is physically and mentally up to the job of being President of the United States?”

Only 27 percent responded that they were “very” confident in Biden’s ability to handle the physical and mental rigor of the job. Just another 14 percent indicated that they were “somewhat” confident.

Meanwhile, exactly half reported that they were “not confident at all.” That group includes 76 percent of Republicans and 56 percent of independents.  

Confidence in Biden’s abilities dropped seven percentage points from two months ago when Rasmussen last asked the question in August.

On the other hand, the ratio of those who have no confidence in him has jumped 10 points.

“At age 78, Biden is the oldest man ever elected president; concerns about his ability to do the job have been heightened by the fact that he hasn’t held a press conference since July,” Rasmussen noted on Wednesday.

Biden’s problem got worse, however, when a different question was asked.

Rasmussen polled respondents on whether they think he is really calling the shots.

In that case, 53 percent said he is not making the decisions, while just 38 percent said he is. Those numbers changed from 51 percent and 39 percent, respectively, in the last two months.

Writing at the conservative Powerline blog, columnist John Hinderaker argued that Rasmussen’s poll indicated that Biden would only drag Democrats down.

Biden, he wrote, “is a pathetic shell of his former unimpressive self, and most Americans understand that fact, despite a concerted media effort to pretend that all is normal in the ‘Biden administration.’”

“Biden’s condition is not going to improve, and more and more Americans will understand in the months to come that there is no one at the wheel.”

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