Poll: Nearly Three-Quarters Of Catholics Say No Communion For Biden, Catholic Politicians Who Support Abortion


Poll: Nearly Three-Quarters Of Catholics Say No Communion For Biden, Catholic Politicians Who Support Abortion

American Catholic bishops are debating on drafting a document that reaffirms the Church’s teaching about Holy Communion, and how that applies to liberal Catholic politicians.

Conservative bishops are arguing that Catholic politicians who support abortion – such as President Joe Biden and Speaker Nancy Pelosi – should be denied communion for failing to adhere to one of the Church’s most fundamental ideas.

Liberal bishops counter that the move would interject politics into the faith and create a politically based aura around the concept of “worthiness” for receiving what Catholics consider to be the Real Presence of Jesus Christ on earth. Pope Francis leans this way.

But a new poll shows the faithful are with the conservatives.

A group called CatholicVote released a poll showing that a significant majority suggested that they believe Biden, Pelosi, and other pro-choice politicians should be denied communion.

When asked if Catholic public officials who disagree with their Church on serious or grave matters “should avoid creating confusion and disunity by not presenting themselves for communion< 74 percent said yes.

Only 10 percent disagreed. The rest were unsure or neutral.

And this was not a right-wing poll.

According to CatholicVote, a plurality – 38 percent – considered themselves Democrats, compared to 31 percent who identified as Republicans. Moreover, 51 percent of those surveyed voted for Biden last fall, while 56 percent support the job Biden is doing as president.

The poll respondents sent a strong message to Catholic leaders.

Eighty-three percent said they support the notion that the bishops should defend “all” Catholic teachings, and 87 percent agreed that those beliefs should be defended even if other Catholics disagree.  

When asked if it’s “hypocritical of any politician to campaign on their faith to get votes and then strongly advocate for policies completely contrary to their faith once in office,” 84 percent agreed, with 60 percent strongly agreeing.

Brian Burch, president of CatholicVote, told Breitbart News, “Catholics’ concern about the flouting of Catholic social teaching by public leaders is less about politics and more about the integrity of the faith, along with reverence and respect due the Holy Eucharist.”

“This polling data should bolster the confidence of Catholic bishops as they prepare to discuss how to recover an understanding of the beauty and richness of the sacrament – among all Catholics,” Burch added. “The data is very clear. Bishops have an obligation to act.”

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