Poll: Just Seven Months In, And A Large Share Of Biden Voters Expressing Buyer’s Remorse


Poll: Just Seven Months In, And A Large Share Of Biden Voters Expressing Buyer’s Remorse

As chaos seems evident everywhere Americans look – in Afghanistan, at the southern border, with COVID,  in skyrocketing government spending and inflation, in crime-riddled big cities – a healthy number of President Joe Biden’s supporters have buyer’s remorse.

As conservative pollster Rasmussen Reports notes in a new survey released on Wednesday, “Most voters would not vote to reelect President Joe Biden, and a significant number who voted for him in 2020 now regret their choice.”

In November, Biden received 51.3 percent of the vote, to 46.9 percent for former President Donald Trump.

Rasmussen notes that only 37 percent of likely voters would still cast ballots for Biden. Meanwhile, 43 percent would still vote for trump.

But, “Among voters who say they voted for Biden in last year’s election, 12% now say they regret their vote. By comparison, only two percent (2%) of Trump voters now regret their vote.”

“If a rematch of the 2020 election were held now, Trump would win, because only 79% of Biden voters say they would vote for him again and seven percent (7%) would switch their vote to Trump,” Rasmussen continued.

“By comparison, 81% of Trump’s 2020 voters would vote for him again and just two percent (2%) would switch to Biden.”

Additionally, “Of those who say they voted for some other candidate last year, 21% would vote for Trump if the next election were held now, while just seven percent (7%) say they’d vote for Biden.”

Moreover, “Of voters who say they regret their vote in last year’s presidential election, a majority (51%) say they would vote for Trump if the next election were held today, while just 26% say they would vote for Biden, and 16% would vote for some other candidate,” Rasmussen added.

The details of the Rasmussen poll also show some other negative indicators for Biden.

Here is some other bad news for Biden.

Thirteen percent of Democrats told Rasmussen they’d vote for Trump today, up from 11 percent in November, while among black voters Trump’s appeal has risen from 19 percent last year to 25 percent today. Meanwhile, Biden captured 51 percent of the “moderate” vote in 2020; today, he’d get only 38 percent of it.

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