Poll: In A Head-To-Head Match Up, Florida Gov. DeSantis Would Destroy Biden


Poll: In A Head-To-Head Match Up, Florida Gov. DeSantis Would Destroy Biden

Florida Republican Gov. Ron DeSantis has repeatedly said he has no intention of running for president in 2024.

But a new poll shows he would be a shoo-in over the current White House occupant, if the governor changes his mind. 

A poll released Thursday revealed that DeSantis would defeat Democratic President Joe Biden by 46 percent to 35 percent if the election were held today.

The survey was conducted by right-leaning pollster Rasmussen Reports and the conservative think tank Heartland Institute. Still, 35 percent of those polled were Democrats, compared to 33 percent Republicans.

The poll indicated some eye-opening results:

  • DeSantis leads Biden by 16 points among pivotal independent voters.
  • DeSantis also led by 39-33 among Hispanic voters.
  • The Florida governor also received a whopping (for a Republican) 23 percent support from black voters. Almost as surprising, only 50 percent of black Americans would vote for Biden in a race against DeSantis.
  • After DeSantis enacted a state law banning abortion after 15 weeks, he still led Biden by 11 points among women.
  • DeSantis also crushed Biden by a 25-point margin among voters, 40 to 64, and even trumped the incumbent president by 11 points among senior citizens.
  • In a match-up against Biden, DeSantis posted some of his strongest numbers – 56 percent and 52 percent, respectively – among voters who are married without children, and those with children. He also posted a double-digit lead among voters with a college education and those without a college degree.

Moreover, 61 percent of respondents said Biden should not run again in 2024, compared to 28 percent who think he should. That number was higher among independents, 65 percent. Biden has already said he’s planning to run for a second term when he would be 82.

Biden has alienated almost everyone, the poll found. As The Heartland Institute noted in its analysis, “Biden did not gain majority support for re-election among likely voters overall in any racial, gender, or economic demographic. The highest support Biden received was among 40% of voters who earn more than $200,000 a year and want him to run again.”

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