Poll: Despite Democrats’ Arguments, Voters Overwhelmingly Want Stricter Voter-ID Laws


Poll: Despite Democrats’ Arguments, Voters Overwhelmingly Want Stricter Voter-ID Laws

Proving that there is no floor to the depth of liberals’ hypocrisy, New York City’s vaccine requirement for indoor dining mandates that the vaxxed show a photo identification before gaining entry.

“The ID requirement is to help reduce fraud,” tweeted City Councilman Mark Levine, a Democrat. “Venues covered by the vax screening program are required to check ID for those 18+. Checking ID for 12+ is optional. The NYC Covid Safe app allows you to upload a picture of your ID if you don’t want to carry it.”

Ironically, on Tuesday, four days after Levine offered that tweet, his fellow Democrats in the U.S. House voted for a measure that would federalize election laws, including making state-level ID requirements a violation of voting rights.

But on this issue, the Democrats, as the saying goes, are on the wrong side of history.

An election-integrity group called the Honest Elections Project Action released a poll that showed 81 percent of respondents support laws “requiring every voter to show a photo ID when they vote.”

“In fact,” Executive Director Jason Snead said in a statement, “despite six months of concerted efforts by progressives to turn public opinion away from voter ID and other election safeguards, public support for photo ID laws is higher today than it was when HEPA asked voters the same question in March.”

In March, 77 percent of those surveyed supported tougher voter-ID laws.

Support for tougher restrictions is up across all groups, HEPA reported.

According to the poll, 72 percent of voters “reject the argument that showing an ID to vote is a ‘burden.’”

“Most striking” the group added, “is the sustained support for photo ID requirements among voters whom progressives insist are being deliberately disenfranchised by them.”

For example, 77 percent of black voters, 78 percent of Hispanics, and 81 percent of lower-income voters all think voters should show a photo ID in order to vote.

Support for that among blacks was up most significantly, climbing 13 points since March.

It’s also bipartisan. Backing for voter ID runs 97 percent among Republicans, 82 percent among independents, and even 67 percent among Democrats. “Support has risen in all three categories since March,” HEPA reported.

And the respondents also rejected the Democrats’ ridiculous contention that such laws are racist because minority voters have a more difficult time obtaining an ID. HEPA notes 74 percent of voters support providing free photo IDs – something all states already do – versus just 12 percent who believe that is a reason to ditch such laws.

Additionally, such support runs high for mail-in voting as well.

Overall, 71 percent of voters prefer ID for obtaining mail-in ballots, and among the supposed oppressed groups – blacks, Hispanics and the poor – backing for this specific requirement tallies 70 percent, 73 percent and 72 percent, respectively.

As Snead put it, “Public support for photo ID laws is overwhelming and growing, despite unprecedented efforts to malign these laws as discriminatory. For most people, it’s about making it easy to vote and hard to cheat.”

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